Quiz Two study guide/main topics - Tuesday, March 12th, 2013... 1. Audio and Flash and ActionScrip;t 3.0 code. Sound variables, URLRequests, load() operations, and play(); SoundMixer.stopAll(); 2. TIC - Tiny Imaginary Computer show the PC (IAR), ACC (accumulator), OUT (Output), and changing values in memory locations that are holding data. You will be given the operation codes. 3. CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/023/CRC/ 4. Encryption and decryption, plaintext and ciphertext, Caesar substitution and the secret key. No vigenere encrypt or decrypt, only Caesar. http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/1020/tests 1. 023FinalCRCquestion.pdf 2. FinalPages1and2_2011.pdf See questions 2, 3 and 10 for Caesar cipher and for Flash. 3. QuizOne2011.pdf CRC practice and decrypt and encrypt practice. 4. TICquestionFinal023.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------- IGNORE THESE THREE files.... Nothing in them for quiz two. 023SubnetMasksFinal.pdf QuizTwoApr5th2011.pdf QuizTwoSpr2008.pdf -----------------------------------------------------------