See where you are at: P = Present State See where you want to be, where you aim to be, which is a goal: G = Goal State Operand is a noun, a thing. Hotel Sedgewick with slimer ghost. Operand is something that gets changed. Operand is something that gets transformed. Hotel Sedgewick with slimer gone. Action is a verb, an act. Ghostbusters solving problem. Action is work or practice. Action takes the thing, the noun, the object and transforms it. Action solves the problem by transforming the operand. The operand is something in the environment. The operand could be the slimer at the Hotel Sedgewick. It is a problem for the hotel. It slimes Dr. Peter Venkman on the 12th floor. The Ghostbusters eventually trap and contain the slimer. It is no longer a free roaming vapor "ghost". The goal state has been achieved. The slimer is captured and removed from the hotel. Action was required. The problem was solved. The problem: Present State P - Green ghostly slimer (an ugly little spud) scaring guests, doing damage, creating a mess by eating off room service delivery carts, ... Goal State G - Slimer entrapped, then removed from the premises in the portable entrapment device and then transferred to and contained in the Ghostbuster's Ectocontainment System back at headquarters. E N V I OPERAND OP <---- OP on University is OPU Other Place on Hill is OP O ER <---- perhaps the best ever medical drama TV show N AND <---- not sure, ha ha. AND OR NOT basis of all electronic M --- hardware gate components. E OP ER AND or OP ERA ND OP N ERA equal rights amendment T ND numerator = N ------------- --- denominator = D OPP OPP TAN = ----- = TOA SINE = ----- = SOH ADJ HYP rise ADJ TAN = ------ COSINE = ----- = CAH run HYP What is the SENSOR? The eye for seeing and reading and assessing. The ear for listening and learning about the problem in communicating with other workers, students, and citizens. The nose for cooks and master chefs or for smelling something that indicates a problem such as smoke. The sense of taste. This does not taste right, so its a problem to eat it. It might be spoiled. Or a cook or chef tasting a dessert or a stew and seeing that its present state P is not agreeing with the goal state G that is desired. Needs more salt. The sense of hearing and musicians developing a song or performing a certain piece of music. Present State P sounds pretty good, but Goal State G it lacks something??? Needs more cowbell! Musician Present State P Able to play Peace Piece 3 of 7 pages, but not fully memorized yet, and not at tempo. Goal State G Able to play Peace Piece from start to finish at tempo desired. **** December 2016 Musician Present State P Able to play Peace Piece from start to finish at tempo of Bill Evans recording, but unable to improvise my own version and variations when desired. Goal State G Able to improvise from Peace Piece chords and freely express original spirit of the song and Bill Evans influence and style in my own playing. **** January 2020 operand - a quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed quantity - the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable The physical resources that are utilized in the transformation process (land, equipment, machinery) or transformed (materials, components) are referred to as operand resources (Normann and Ramirez 1993; Vargo and Lusch 2004a). Service supply management structure in offshore outsourcing If one assumes that the operand (machinery utilized in biofuels production), and the operant (human knowledge, effort and skills in operating the machinery) perform effectively, then the problem reduces to identifying "other" barriers in the system to creating stakeholder value. Biofuels: what is on practitioners' mind?