NetLOGO Remainder Even Odd turtles and patches
IFELSE two way decision making
WHO number of a turtle is either EVEN or ODD

  1. Today's handout: 8 MWF and 12 MWF Even Odd Remainder Checkerboard NetLOGO example handout.

    Note: We did NOT get to SLOWWALK yet. Just Even Odd and IfElse and Remainder...

  2. 12 MWF Even Odd Dog Day - Noon class example for Friday class. The NOON 12 MWF class example with some extra features added.

  3. Forest Fire model we played with in class #3.

  4. Flocking of Birds model we played with in class #3.

  5. Background on the Forest Fire model to be discussed during week #2 classes: Forest Fire reading...