Simulating Gravity and Bouncing Ball with After Effects

Trigonometry and Turtles

14 questions homework assignment due Friday, September 23rd.

  1. Trigonometry: SOH CAH TOA Sine Cosine Tangent

  2. HOMEWORK: Creative Cow After Effects tutorial: Gravity In After Effects - the Bouncing Ball Effect by Jesse Toula. Waves have Amplitude, Frequency, and Decay. What is Exponential Growth? What is Exponenial Decay?

    H O M E W O R K: Answer the 14 questions by watching and studying this video tutorial. Due on Friday 09/23/2016.

    Answering these 14 questions is the homework. You do NOT need to use After Effects to do the homework. Just answer the questions after watching the video.

  3. PDF - The FABULOUS FOURTEEN HOMEWORK questions on Gravity Animation and the Bouncing Ball tutorial by Jesse Toula: Gravity in After Effects video tutorial twelve HW questions. Due Friday September 23rd...