Simulating Gravity and Bouncing Ball with After Effects

Trigonometry and Turtles

  1. Trigonometry: SOH CAH TOA Sine Cosine Tangent

  2. HOMEWORK: Creative Cow After Effects tutorial: Gravity In After Effects - the Bouncing Ball Effect by Jesse Toula. Waves have Amplitude, Frequency, and Decay. What is Exponential Growth? What is Exponenial Decay?

    H O M E W O R K: Answer the 14 questions by watching and studying this video tutorial. Due 02/27/2014.

  3. Netlogo Example: Even turtles draw one of the LEGS of a right triangle. ODD turtles must walk further, but they draw the HYPOTENUSE. The There are 3 turtles in each COLUMN of patches and 3 turtles in each ROW of patches. Two rows and two columns of patches have TURTLES. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12. However, the FOUR CORNER turtles each got counted TWICE. So 12 - 4 = 8 turtles. Notice how the square root of 128 is used to get the ODD turtles to go the proper distance. No SINE or COSINE involved. Just Pythagorean theorem is applied.

  4. NetLogo example: How to create 32 turtles and slow walk them out to form a SQUARE of 32 turtles instead of a CIRCLE of 32 turtles. Lots of dancing is done by the turtles, so another theme is playing with choreography. Is the SINE or the COSINE used?

  5. PDF - The FABULOUS FOURTEEN HOMEWORK questions on Gravity Animation and the Bouncing Ball tutorial by Jesse Toula: Gravity in After Effects video tutorial twelve HW questions. Due Thursday February 27th...

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