CS 1025 01 - Week #6 (Sep 30, Oct 02, Oct 04)

Monday, September 30th

  1. Monte Carlo estimating the AREA by throwing darts, falling raindrops, or randomly relocated turtles.

  2. Drawing an OVAL using NetLogo. Estimating the area of the OVAL or ellipse by using black cows and green houses and proportions of the cows to the turtles (cows + houses). The area is in PATCHES. 33 * 33 = 1089 patches.

  3. Due October 7th: Mushroom hunting part II: NetLogo Assignment handed out...

    Based on the Mushrooms model assignment continued and extended.

    Monday evening 10 p.m. Mushrooms help on the turning -45 to +45 degrees, the 5th bullet item (fifth item of the "small changes in the Mushroom Hunt model").

  4. Example of MonteCarlo with NetLogo: Estimating the area by having randomly located turtles "hatch" cars, stars, plants, and cows.

Wednesday, October 2nd

  1. Online NetLogo Dictionary and Help: For StudioIT 1 ITTC 134 classroom NetLogo when Help menu > NetLogo Dictionary command does not work.

  2. Note that the due date for the Mushroom Hunt modifications is Monday, October 7th.

  3. Scratch and Scratchy the meowing cat: scratch.mit.edu... Creating a circle with Scratch. Creating 20 differtly sized circles with Scratch.

    Try out, play with and experiment with MIT Scratch within your web browser.

  4. Review: Scratch circles pattern similar to what was done in class. 30 circles.

  5. Handout: Monte Carlo estimating an area using proportions of "darts" or random points inside an unknown area within a known larger area. Understanding the equation, the knowns and unknowns, the problem solving process.

  6. Handout: Worksheet for Friday class exercise and discussion. Monte Carlo.

Friday, September 20th

  1. Due MONDAY October 7th: Mushroom hunting part II: NetLogo Assignment is NOT DUE TODAY!!!

  2. Monte Carlo simulation quiz question answer and process explained.