CS 1025 01 - Week #6 (Sep 29 - Oct 03)

Monday, September 29th

  1. NetLogo turtle graphics and x-y position indicator fun.

  2. The SHODOR Data Flyer tool.

  3. From STEM to STEAM - fixed mind-sets versus growth mind-sets and Ghostbusters/Dances With Wolves connections.
    This you have as a handout from today's class.

    What is the S and T and E and M in STEM?
    What is the A in STEAM?

Wednesday, October 1st

  1. Assignment due today: Dance With Wolves and Ghostbusters: negative reinforcement, Stands With a Fist getting her name, Eric Maisel.
    Hand written (pen and pencil) or typed, scanned in, Photoshop, etc is okay.

  2. Distractions detract - It can wait: Mobile Devices in Class work against the goals of the University of Northern Iowa.

  3. ...


Friday, October 3rd

  1. Monte Carlo estimating area example.

  2. Monte Carlo with NetLOGO cows and houses.

  3. Throwing darts. Old Monte Carlo quiz: Estimate the area of the circle. To keep the calculations simple, only 20 darts were thrown.

  4. Drawing an OVAL and estimating the area of the OVAL with NetLOGO and Monte Carlo.