CS 1025 01 - Week #7 October 03 thru 07

Monday, October 3rd

  1. Monte Carlo 10 05 2016 exercise. Attempt to do this BEFORE Wednesday's class.

  2. Read this over carefully AGAIN this week: MonteCarlo11_14_2012.pdf ...

    Be familiar with the FOUR PART FORMULA: What is a? What is b? What is c? What is d?
    Which one is a numerator? a, b, c or d?
    Which one is a denominator? a, b, c or d?

    This was read BEFORE the Friday September 30th class. It was handed out during the Friday 09/30 class.
    Read it AGAIN. a, b, c, d formula.

  3. Sample Monte Carlo Cows and Houses problem we solved in class on Friday.

               b        What is a?  What is b?  What is c?
        a  =  --- d
               c                                What is d?
                        See, study and take notes on: MonteCarlo11_14_2012.pdf
    Solution to the above problem: MonteCarloSolution093016.pdf ...
    Use the above link (or your handout from Friday) to study the NetLOGO output and determine the a, b, c and d portions of the formula.

  4. Estimating the AREA of a small circle, a large circle, and the area outside of both circles.
    Monday in-class exercise - Leaves, Cows, Stars six questions.

    VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.
                VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.
                            VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.
                                        VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.
                            VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.
                VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.
    VIP: Solution to Leaves, Cows, and Stars is ready.

    Note: Estimating an area means using MONTE CARLO, not using a formula such as AREA = PI R squared.

  5. HANDOUT from Monday, Oct 3rd: Monte Carlo throwing 20 darts.

Wednesday, October 5th

  1. Monte Carlo 10 05 2016 exercise. Attempt to do this BEFORE Wednesday's class.

  2. Monte Carlo: Two Circles with Stars, Cows, and Leaves that were hatched by randomly located turtles.

Friday, October 7th

  1. TEST ONE STUDY GUIDE: Test 01 Fall 2016

  2. Test one will be on Monday, October 17th...

  3. Review for TEST #1. Turtle TRIG, MONTE CARLO, DATA FLYER...

  4. Data Flyer in class exercise. Find the slope and intercept.
    Moved to MONDAY, October 10th. Monday 10/10 class.