CS 1025 01 - Week #11 - Oct 29, 31, Nov 02

  1. Scratch was introduced last Friday. SCRATCH is free. See the DOWNLOAD button near the top of the page at scratch.mit.edu.

  2. Review of Monte Carlo old Quiz estimating the area of an OVAL - from last Friday's class.

  3. Estimating the Area of an Ellipse using Monte Carlo and NetLogo.

    Formula for Area of an ellipse and for drawing an ellipse centered at the origin (0,0).

  4. Scratch Getting Started Guide: ScratchGettingStartedv14.pdf is an easy introduction to scratch.

  5. Implementing a SQUARE instead of a CIRCLE of turtles using the COSINE and Netlogo.

  6. Due on Friday, November 2nd: System Dynamics Modeling Homework Assignment - preparation for Ventana Vensim.