CS 1025 01 - Week #11 (Nov 03, 05, 07)

Monday, November 3rd

  1. Snow Falling and Chimney Smoking - Adobe After Effects.

  2. Smoke effect in Adobe After Effects via a Wiggle() Expression.

  3. Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 movie: The Birds. Luckily there are hardly any phone booths left these days now that cell phones are everywhere! The Birds was the JAWS of the 60s, perhaps.

  4. From CS 2880 12: Visual Effects, Animation, and Motion Graphics 12 MWF Spring 2015 class.
    From: Digital Matte Painting Essentials 1: Concept with David Mattingly
    Albert Whitlock is the second great matte artist of the pre-digital age 
    that you should know about.  Whitlock was long associated with Alfred Hitchcock
    and his film, The Birds, is one of Whitlock's masterpieces. 
    Other movies that include matte paintings by Albert Whitlock 
    that you should check out are, The Hindenburg, The Sting, and 
    Mel Brooks' History of the World Part 1. 
    I began my career painting on glass. But the availability of the digital 
    tools I will introduce you to in this course has rendered those older 
    techniques obsolete. 

  5. Birds flocking NetLogo model and history of Boids graphics and simulation.

  6. NetLOGO, Adobe After Effects: Bird Flocking Assignment (formerly part of take-home final exam project):
    Due on Friday, November 7th.

    Turn in hard copy of the rewritten (or retyped) questions or paraphrased questions. Do NOT just turn in the fill in the blank answers out of the context of the question!

Wednesday, November 5th

  1. The Empirical Rule - Normal Distributions and NetLOGO model to check the 68, 95, and 99.7 values of the 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations.

  2. Exponential Growth: Folding a sheet of paper in half 50 times (or doubling the number of sheets of paper you have 50 times).
       10                                20
      2   = 1024 = 1 kilobyte = 1K      2   = 1024K = 1 megabyte = 1M
       30                                 40
      2   = 1024M = 1 gigabyte = 1G      2   = 1024G = 1 terabyte = 1T
       50                                  5
      2   = 1024T = 1 petabyte = 1P    1024  = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
                                             = 1,125,899,906,842,624 = 1P or 1PB
                                       1000  = 1,000,000,000,000,000
    Multiple of bytes - kB, MB, GB, TB and PB...
    Start with 1 sheet.     Times doubling it        Thickness 
                            or folding it in half    or # of Sheets
                            ---------------------    --------------
                               1                          2
                               2                          4
                               3                          8
                               4                         16
                               5                         32
                               6                         64
                               7                        128
                               8                        256
                               9                        512 (close to 500)
                              10                       1024 = 1 KB or 1 kB
                                                                       or 1K
               1 Bit = Binary Digit
              8 Bits = 1 Byte
          1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte 
      1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
      1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte 
      1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte 
      1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte 

Friday, November 7th

ASSIGNMENT DUE TODAY - see Monday handout and links

  1. CC1 to CC11 and NL1 to NL4 pen/pencil hard copy assignment due TODAY in class. You can word process it if you wish, but not necessary. Creative Cow = CC and NetLOGO = NL.