CS 1025 01 - Week #14 April 17th thru 21st

Monday, April 17th

  1. Due on Wednesday: Two pages of notes, one sheet of paper, but both sides filled with notes and quotes and questions about your six page long handout. Your book review handout was one of the followign:

    1. A Mind For Numbers
    2. Talent is Overrated
    3. The Mind Gym
    4. The Talent Code
    5. Mindset
    6. The Marshmallow Test

  2. Sample notes from a 7th book review: The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World ...

  3. The-Distracted-Mind.pdf ...
             Goal Interference
             The Pause
             You + Squirrels
             #1 Prescription
  4. Sample Notes: NINE pages of notes instead of only TWO pages. Yikes! Lots of extra ink flowed!
    Most of us will freely admit that we are obsessed with our devices. 
    We pride ourselves on our ability to multitask -- read work email, 
                                                          reply to a text, 
                                                              check Facebook, 
                                                                  watch a video clip. 
           Talk on the phone, 
                send a text, 
                       drive a car. 
    Enjoy family dinner with a glowing smartphone next to our plates.  We can do it all, 24/7! 
    Never mind the errors in the email, 
        the near-miss on the road, 
              and the unheard conversation at the table. 
    In The Distracted Mind, Adam Gazzaley and Larry Rosen -- a neuroscientist and a psychologist 
                                                          -- explain why our brains aren't built for multitasking, 
                                                             and suggest better ways to live in a high-tech world 
                                                             without giving up our modern technology.

Wednesday, April 19th

The Super Six readings: Carol, Barbara, Daniel, Walter, Gary and Geoff.

Reading and reporting on reviews. Connecting them up to GB, DWW, PW, MAAN resources.

  1. A Mind For Numbers
  2. Talent is Overrated
  3. The Mind Gym
  4. The Talent Code
  5. Mindset
  6. The Marshmallow Test

  1. Your 2nd reading is due on Friday at the start of class. You are reading about the main concepts in a different book than you did for today.

  2. Produce two pages (one sheet of paper, front and back = two pages) of notes on your 6 page Philosopher's Notes book handout.

    Goal: To teach your other 4 or 5 table team members some of the key ideas and terms and issues raised by your reading. To help them understand it more deeply than they did today when they hear more about it on Friday.

  3. The above link to the Super Six readings has extra resources to read or watch and listen to. Use them to supplement your reading of your handout.

Friday, 04/21/2017 - Earth Day eve

  1. Your 2nd reading two page set of NOTES is due TODAY at the start of class.
    You are doing a different book than you did for Wednesday's class.

  2. Scratch examples and Stat Rap video: Earth Day Eve StatRap Scratch - Circles with Scratch.

  3. Stat Rap lyrics.