CS 1025 01 - Week #3 (Sep 08-10)

Tuesday, September 8th

  1. Airplanes 0, Bugs 1, Bees 2: Dividing by 3 - remainder is 0 or 1 or 2 - group exercise example and handout.

    ifelse ( condition )
       true action for when condition was TRUE   The number's remainder was divisible by 2, for example
       action for when the condition was FALSE   The number was NOT divisible by 2, it was an ODD number...
  2. Adobe Flash Modeling of a bouncing ball. Ease in and Ease out makes it a better model than without easing. What does the graph look like? Can you dig it?

Thursday, September 10th

  1. NetLOGO examples from this week's class and previous two weeks classes.
      DivideBy3GWeveeve.nlogo        08-Sep-2015   11:43
      day4Octagons.nlogo             03-Sep-2015   12:21	 
      Octagons.nlogo                 01-Sep-2015   12:21	 
      SpiralingSquaresSept1st.nlogo  01-Sep-2015   11:56	 
      SpiralSquares.nlogo            25-Aug-2015   12:19	 
  2. Scratch is similar to NetLOGO.

    Scratch overview: Motion,, Sound, Pen, and Control categories were used in class today.

    move 10 steps     instead of turtles    fd 10
    turn clockwise arrow 15 degrees 
                      instead of rt 15
    pen down          instead of pd
    clear             instead of ca

  3. Comparing Scratch polygons to NetLogo polygons - 09/05/2014 material to study.

  4. Watch me dance: Scratch handout for week #4: