CS 1025 01 - Week #3 (Jan 27-29)

Tuesday, January 27th

  1. Assignment Two: Assignment Two... Creative graphics with EVEN and ODD turtles, Molecules, and Music.

    Due date for Assignment Two Tuesday, Feb 10th:

  2. Airplanes 0, Bugs 1, Bees 2: Dividing by 3 - remainder is 0 or 1 or 2 - Thursday, January 29th group exercise example and handout.

  3. Does this sound good? Music with NetLOGO is a noteworthy topic and skill.

Thursday, January 29th

  1. Airplanes 0, Bugs 1, Bees 2: Dividing by 3 - remainder is 0 or 1 or 2 - Thursday, January 29th group exercise example and handout.
    ifelse ( condition )
       true action for when condition was TRUE   The number's remainder was divisible by 2, for example
       action for when the condition was FALSE   The number was NOT divisible by 2, it was an ODD number...
  2. More noteworthy examples: MUSIC and NetLOGO - doe a deer, a female deer, ray a drop of golden sun, ... From C to shining C.

  3. Finding the slope of a line: Rise over the Run. It is wise to remember the rise is the y's. The runner looks like an x, perhaps.

  4. Plot this set of numbers (from Maya 3D Graphics planet orbit animation).
     1   0
     2   0.482
     3   1.9
     4   4.213
     5   7.379
     6  11.356
     7  16.103
     8  21.578
    Here is the absolutely best fitting linear equation y = mx + b, for the
    above data.  The slope of the straight line is m and the intercept is b.
                 When x is equal to 0, the equation becomes y = m*0 + b, or
                                                            y = 0 + b = b.
      y = f(x) = 3.104 * x - 6.090  or  y = 3.1 * x - 6.1
    The best CURVE fitting quadratic equation for the above set of 
    8 points, i.e. (x, y) pairs is:
        f(x)  =  y = 0.416 * x*x  -  0.641 * x  +  0.152
           or    y  =  0.416 x   -  0.641 x  +  0.152

  5. The SHODOR Data Flyer tool.
