CS 1025 01 - Week #5 (Feb 11 and 13)

Tuesday, February 11th

  1. Fall of 2013: Test One: NetLogo show the output: Sheet #1, questions 1 and 2 from the October 21st exam.

    HOMEWORK: NetLogo turtles questions 1 and 2 Worksheet/Homework on the show the output questions. Due on Thursday, Feb 18th.

        a.  coordinates for turtle #0
        b.  coordinates for turtle #1 and show work step by step, justify answer.
        c.  coordinates for turtle #2
        d.  coordinates for turtle #3
        e.  what is the mysteryDistance for the
                             set mysteryDistance ___________
            fill in the blank command?
        a.  ... the four headings are:
                                        turtle #0
                                        turtle #1
                                        turtle #2
                                        turtle #3
        b.  ... how many degrees total 
                            will each turtle have turned ...
        c.  Where will each and every turtle be facing or "pointing" ...?
            List the four headings again:
                                        turtle #0
                                        turtle #1
                                        turtle #2
                                        turtle #3

  2. Making quicktime movies with NetLogo - for footage for After Effects.
    ;; make a 20-step movie of the current view
    movie-start "out.mov"
    repeat 20 

Thursday, February 13th

  1. Valentine's Day eve Treats and watch a brief scene from the Ghostbusters movie...

  2. Simulating Smoke with Adobe After Effects.

    Snowfall and smoking chimney using CC Snow and After Effects expressions. Probably will have to wait to Monday

  3. Mystery Distance PDF help.
    a.  What is given?  What is known?  
    b.  What is the goal?  What is the unknown?
    c.  How can you use a. to get to b., perhaps involving 
                                  the Pythagorean Theorem?
        Write down what you know.  Draw pictures.  
        In this case, draw the BEFORE and the AFTER, i.e. 
           before the 2 second wait and after the 2 second wait.
        i. What do you know BEFORE the 2 second wait?   Draw a picture.
       ii. What do you know AFTER the 2 second wait?    Draw another 
                                                        picture, or 
                                                        elaborate on
                                                        your first picture.
        There is a way to get what you need from these two!