CS 1025 01 - Week #5 (Feb 10-12)

Tuesday, February 10th

  1. Assignment Two: Assignment Two... Creative graphics with EVEN and ODD turtles, Molecules, and Music.

    Due date is today anytime.

  2. Spirals.pdf is Thursday example.

Thursday, February 12th

  1. In class group exercise: Draw the CIRCLE with radius 10 using NetLOGO.

    Problem solving and separating WHAT the problem is from HOW to solve it...

    1. Venkman - Understand it (WHAT), then    Your first concern is WHAT
    2. Stantz - Plan it (HOW), then            Your second concern is HOW 
                                                                   to solve it.
    3. Spengler - Code it in NetLOGO.          Your last and final concern
                                                            is the coding in

  2. Dr. Peter Venkman and Ghostbusters: Scene Three lessons and quote.

        1.  Understand the problem:  Dr. Peter Venkman   FOCUS on WHAT...
            i. What is given?  What do you know?   What is the input?
           ii. What is the goal?  Or what is the unknown?
               What is it we need to find?
            Let's not rush things.  We don't even know WHAT you have here yet.
               (What Dr. Peter Venkman says as the Ghostbusters arrive at 
                the NYC Public Library in scene III of the movie).
        When you finish with Phase I of the problem solving process, you
        will have answers to the WHAT questions.

    1. Ghostbusters and problem solving.

    2. Waggle Dancing Bees and problem solving/brain storming/choosing.

  3. GB, PW, DWW - From STEM to STEAM: fixed mind-sets versus growth mind-sets and Ghostbusters/Dances With Wolves connections.
    This was handed out in class today - STEM TO STEAM handout.