CPU is an acronym for Central Processing Unit. Mp will stand for the primary Memory, which is often called RAM. - - Primary Memory, Mp, is the desktop of the computer. A program such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Word or Netscape must be loaded into Mp from Ms before it can be executed by the computer. Analogy: You must get the recipe out of your recipe box and place it on your kitchen counter before you can start making the brownies or beef ole. Ms is Secondary Memory also known as Secondary Storage. - - Ms is like your desk drawers or your file cabinets or your bookshelves. You have to get your journal out of the file cabinet or desk drawer, before you can read it and write more information to it. Nobody climbs into their desk drawer or file cabinet drawer to work on their journal or paper or grading. They move it from the secondary Memory (Ms) onto the desktop, their Mp Primary Memory. The paper you are working on is the data. The wordperfect or microsoft word program you are using for the word processing is the program. Both the data and the program have to be in RAM, i.e. in Mp, before the CPU can become a word processor for you. The data (your paper) and the software (Microsoft Word) are both stored on Ms, which is magnetic secondary storage, such as hard drive or flash drive or diskette. The ENIAC computer had 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighed about 30 tons. The ABC computer was developed by Iowa State College physics professor John Vincent Atanasoff and his graduate assistant Clifford Berry. ABC stands for Atanasoff/Berry Computer. - - - The ABC computer was a special purpose electronic digital computer for solving mathematically intensive physics equations. John Mauchly read Atanasoff's paper, saw his ABC computer on a visit to Ames, Iowa in the late 30s or early 40s. When he developed the ENIAC computer for use in World War II by the USA in calculating ballistic firing tables, he did NOT give credit to Atanasoff for the scientific breakthroughs and the ABC machine he shared freely with him. A 10 year long court battle decades later called Honeywell versus Sperry Rand decided that the electronic digital computer was invented by Atanasoff at Iowa State College in Ames in the 1930s. Mauchly and Eckert's government funded ENIAC computer, it was decided, had been derived from Atanasoff's ideas.