Study Guide for Test One - Thursday, Oct 14th, 2010
Also the Study Guide for December Final Exam.

Please IGNORE ITEM #16, it is NOT on the test.

Email note about the study guide and final exam:

Email note on the expanded lecture notes assignment and study guide:

  1. Visual Basic for Applications = VBA - Excel VBA macros in-class exercise from September 14th and followup hands-on lab classes. Know how to write these functions!

    Solutions to the other 3 exercises: ALL DONE. VIP: EXCEL VBA SOLUTIONS - Sept 14th group exercise four problems. Do NOT look at the solutions until after you have tried to answer all the questions is the best strategy if you want to LEARN it anyway, btw.

  2. Video tutorial part 1 of 2: Flash Intros Cross Dissolve project assignment. Flash Classic Tweens, Motion Tweens, ActionScript 3.0, addEventListener() methods, MouseEvent category, CLICK, functions, void, Alpha, Symbols, Buttons, etc.
  3. Video Tutorial part 2 of 2: Making Flash BUTTONS and the ActionScript needed to navigateToURL when the user wants to SKIP the INTRO, or when the INTRO is all done. First 9 minutes shows another way to make a Twirling Text symbol using Classic Tweens with SIZE change and with ROTATION. Also has Ease OUT and EASE IN.

  4. VIP: Review of Flash ActionScript from the Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 class and for the Flash intros project. You probably have most of this in your notes from that class, but just in case you did not get it all. Also, the screen snapshots show exactly what it looks like in the Flash ActionScript Actions panel (F9 to show Actions panel). URLRequests, links, states of buttons, functions, MouseEvent.CLICK, void, curly braces, stop(); navigateToURL(), etc.
  5. VIP: Dreamweaver and Excel VBA macro 2009 homework questions are part of STUDY GUIDE for the exam. NO DREAMWEAVER on this EXAM. IGNORE THE DREAMWEAVER part of this PDF, but do be sure to carefully study the Excel VBA macro part.

    Guide, background, hints, and resources for the DREAMWEAVER job interview test question. IGNORE until TEST TWO!

  6. DREAMWEAVER will be on the final exam. The DREAMWEAVER part you already did, what happens when you type the < symbol? Job interview.

  7. Flash created Buttons have FOUR STATES. What are they? What order do they occur in? What is each state for?
  8. Excel VBA macros. Show the output. Understand WHAT the Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro code does.
  9. Test question example: Show the output of the Excel VBA macro. 09/09/09 class exercise. Try out the macro in Excel to check that your answer is correct.
  10. Tuesday, September 14th, 2010 in class exercise: Microsoft Excel VBA functions. The FOUR FUNCTIONS. User defined functions.
  11. Understanding Excel VBA functions. How they are different from SUBS. BIC pens and BICTION: email022VBAearnedWithBICTION.txt Compare with ActionScript 3.0 during Tuesday, October 12th review class.

    This is your brain before taking notes while reading, studying or sitting in a class. This is your brain after taking notes. See the HUGE difference? Compare to this is brain before the lecture and this is brain after the lecture where you did NOT take notes. Very little discernable difference. Very little intellectual growth. BICTION. If the ink don't flow, the understanding don't grow.

  12. Further note: On learning programming - email022LearningVBA.txt
  13. The 23 birthdays macro has a need to update the counts. The SUB for doing that is shown below here. Why does r go from 3 to 24 instead of from 2 to 24? What does Cells(r, 2).Value refer to when r is 3? When r is 24? What cell in the Excel spreadsheet?
  14. Sub updateCounts()
        hadRepeat = False
        For r = 3 to 24 
            If Cells(r, 2).Value = "Repeat" Then
            	   hadRepeat = True
            End If
        Next r
        If hadRepeat = True Then
        	   Range("F2").Value = Range("F2").Value + 1
        End If
        Range("G2").Value = Range("G2").Value + 1
    End Sub

    Using Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, review the following Microsoft PowerPoint web published tutorial on doing an Excel VBA macro program to assess the 23 birthdays problem. Note: DOES NOT WORK with most web browsers. You need to use Windows Internet Explorer browser.

  15. NOT READY YET: Video tutorial part 2 of 2: Flash Intros Cross Dissolve project assignment. This is NOT READY YET. WILL BE READY IN SEPTEMBER OF 2011 (Fall 2011 022 class).
  16. What to read and study from the Flash CS4 Professional Digital Classroom textbook: VIP: email022ReadingsFlash.txt is what to focus on, read, try out, take notes on, and utilize to help learn the Flash and ActionScript.
  17. Includes two different functions: BirthdaysMacrosAugust2010.pdf. Note that the FUNCTION theRangeToSort() returns a STRING, whereas the FUNCTION randomBirthday returns an INTEGER.
  18. VIP: More material on Flash Intros, including good review of the ActionScript 3.0 for the 1st frame and the last frame. The last frame of the actions layer has the ActionScript code that is excecuted only if the user did NOT click the SKIP_INTRO_btn button...

  19. Ignore #16. List Item LI #16 is NOT on the final exam.

            1. Ghostbusters, Polya, Four Steps to problem solving, programming and application creation;
            2. Excel VBA macros;    
            3. Adobe Flash and Photoshop;

    1. Ghostbusters, programming and problem solving - probably multiple choice, matching and fill in the blank and short answer. Waggle Dancing Bees, Four Step Problem Solving phases, Ghostbusters, Pretty Woman, Dancing With Wolves and Polya problem solving page NOT READY YET.

    2. Microsoft Excel VBA - video tutorial with explicit study guide to go with it. Almost ready. Should be available Thursday or Friday evening. CAN BE USED FOR YOUR 25 MINUTE EXPANDED NOTES ASSIGNMENT when it is READY. Not ready yet. NOT READY YET.

    3. Best of the and most useful of the 25 minute lecture notes (EXPANDED, ELABORATED lecture notes with your followup) will be scanned in and posted during weekend and early part of finals week. NOT READY YET.

    4. Material on Flash and Photoshop that we have covered since the midterm that it would be good for you to know, with study guide to what is important. You can use this for your 25 minute EXPANDED NOTES assignment too, when its ready. NOT READY YET.

  21. A huge part of the test will be a repeat of the MIDTERM EXAM study guide. Study your previous midterm exam too!