Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 16:17:55 -0500 (CDT) From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: Chapter 4 Fireworks and Dreamweaver Polar Bears Friday... Hi 022 students, Here is the page that reviews what we did today in the Friday, October 23rd StudioIT 3 lab class. Fireworks - removing the background from a graphic (polar bear jpeg) by using the following fireworks tools and techniques: Bitmap tools: Magic Wand tool, (Tolerance and Edge settings set in Property Inspector). What is Anti-alias? Eraser tool, Size setting, Edge setting, Shape setting, and Eraser opacity setting. View tools: Zoom tool Zoom in is default, Alt key held down causes the LMB mouse button click to Zoom out. You see + sign or a - sign when zoom tool is active tool. Hand tool Used to Pan or Track around the scene. Usually used when we are zoomed in for close ups. Optimize pallette Window menu > Optimize command Note: Optimize, History, and Align panels are grouped together, so you choose which tab to click to get to the one you need. See the web page for why the Optimize palette was needed. (To make a transparent GIF). The IMG SRC tag was used to make a series of polar bears of different sizes, but we did it all through the property inspector (for DREAMWEAVER, i.e. for Dw). Horizontal Rulers (HR tag) with noshading and pretty color and a width thicker than the usual default. H2 or H1 heading tags with CENTERing. Dw Insert menu, Image command. Dw Insert menu, Tag command. Have a great weekend! Mark HOW PRACTICAL IS IT TO UNDERSTAND .. and . when you are working on your web site on or a similar web server? ------------------- Study this example! ------------------- pandora:~/web/22/ch4> pwd /home/jacobson/web/22/ch4 pandora:~/web/22/ch4> mv ~/email022PolarBears.txt . pandora:~/web/22/ch4> pandora:~/web/22/ch4> ls -a . _notes hand_fish.jpg polarBear.html wildlife.png .. email022PolarBears.txt polarBear.gif polar_bear.jpg pandora:~/web/22/ch4> mv ~/email022PolarBears.txt . ~ always refers to the home directory, which is jacobson . always refers to the current directory, which in this case is ch4, the folder inside of the 22 folder, which is inside of the web folder. Finally the web folder is contained inside of or is a child to the jacobson folder. pandora: ~/web/22/ch4> mv ~/email022PolarBears.txt . ~/ jacobson (the home directory) web/ web is child of jacobson, i.e. of ~ 22/ 22 is child of web subdirectory ch4> ch4 is a child of the 22 subdirectory ~/ jacobson (the home directory is ~, i.e. is tilde) web/ jacobson (~) is .., parent of web 22/ web is .., parent of 22 ch4> 22 folder is .., parent of ch4 folder mv ~/email022PolarBears.txt . Move the file email022PolarBears.txt from the ~ home directory --- down to the . current directory, which is the ch4 folder. ---