Flash video tutorial - creating buttons, UP, OVER, DOWN, HIT, navigateToURL, addEventListener, Twirling Text animations with Classic Tweens

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  1. Flash Intro's with Cross Dissolve images and Skip Intro button - video tutorial - part 1.
  2. Fall 2010 - October 12th - 810:022 01 11 TTh Flash Intros student projects on sunny.uni.edu web server.
  3. The video is broken into four parts:
    1. Making an animated twirling text for the Intro - using Classic Tweens is illustrated. You are free to use either Motion Tween or Classic Tween method. Motion Tween approach is developed in the previous video tutorial.
    2. Creating a button in Flash. Adding some Text to the button on a separate layer. Review of the UP, OVER, DOWN and HIT states.
    3. After naming the button, adding the actions layer and the Actionscript 3.0 code that makes the button listen for MouseEvent.CLICK events and respond by navigateToURL for the URLRequest that we have defined. All this is in FRAME #1 of the Actions layer.
    4. Using the two statements we wrote and packaged inside the function written for Frame 1 in the very last frame of the entire animation (animated intro). The last frame in my example is frame #100. If the user did NOT click the skipIntro_btn, then when the introduction is done, you take them to the same web page they could have gotten to sooner had they not wanted to enjoy our Flashy introduction animation and graphics and info.