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Adobe Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks web development, including Flash videos and animation.

Microsoft Excel macros and VBA basics (Visual Basic for Applications).

    820:022 MASI Home Page
First Five Weeks

Link: Second Five Weeks (Sep 28th thru Oct 28th).

Microsoft Excel VBA macros and Adobe Flash CS5 (or CS4) applications will be introduced during the first five weeks, along with some Dreamweaver. Study the 23 Birthdays VBA macro and master it.

Week One (August 24th to August 26th)

Tuesday 08/24: Event Look through the published PowerPoint presentation on the Excel 23 BIRTHDAYs problem to familiarize yourself with the example we will EVENTUALLY do and that you will master to learn VBA macros. It likely will require INTERNET EXPLORER. It does NOT work with Mozilla Firefox.

Thursday 08/26:

To be added later. VIP: Be sure to study TUESDAY 08/24 PowerPoint in order to understand the 23 birthday VBA macro example!

Week Two (August 31 and September 2nd)

Tuesday 08/31: Event description. Adobe Flash video. FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning Components

Thursday 09/02: StudioIT 1 - ITT 134 lab classroom on 2nd floor.

S'Mores intro by Samantha: Example one of Flash Intros. We did NOT ever get started on Flash Intros yet. We did two things in the hands-on lab class:
  1. Flash used to create a bouncing and squishing ball using CLASSIC Tweens, 5 different keyframes (KFs), with 4 different classic motion tweens used to do the frames in beTWEEN the Keyframes. The 1st and the 4th classic motion tweens has EASING applied. Ease In to the ball dropping to the floor. Ease out of the ball bouncing back up from the floor. The ball was an instance of a SYMBOL of type Movie Clip.

    EASE IN and EASE OUT: Bouncing balls side by side and in the same place nicely illustrate the difference between constant speed and EASE IN to a faster and faster speed along with EASE OUT of a throw or a fast bounce off the "floor".

    Related links: Look at the OCTAGON examples: 3.i. and 3.ii. and 3.iii. are seen from this page: January O C T A G O N S - 2007.

    Moving, growing, and shrinking disk is also related. This application adds instances of a BUTTON symbol to the user interface.

  2. Excel VBA macros: Making a Twirling WordArt example macro using For Next loops, DoEvents, and the recorded WordArt creation step and rotating VBA code. We did NOT get to the Accordian effect with the letter spacing.

Ham Porter: This is smores stuff. 
            First you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham. 
            Then, you roast the mallow. 
            When the mallows flaming, you stick it on the chocolate and cover it with the other end. 
            Then, you scarf.      

Week Three (September 7th and September 9th)

Tuesday, 09/07: Try out the Cirplosion Game, just for fun. Look at the examples of SASP, which stands for Solve A Simpler Problem. Solving a simpler problem, but one that is related to the final problem is a good strategy for developing EXCEL VBA macros or Flash ActionScript applications.

Thursday, 09/09: STUDIO IT 1 - ITT 134 laptop lab on 2nd floor: Excel VBA birthday's macro exercise, followed by Flash exercise.

  1. VBA Macros: How to get the DEVELOPER tab in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 - so you can do VBA macros recording, running, and editing.
  2. Excel VBA macros taught using the 23 Birthdays PowerPoint lesson - study it over both BEFORE and AFTER the classes that get all the way through making the Birthday macro. It eventually will include YELLOW and will also tell the user what DAY and MONTH the duplicated birthday is on. For example, August 2nd is the number 214 as a Julian date. New Year's Eve is number 365 and Ground Hogs Day is 33, since February 2nd is 31 January days plus 2, and 31 + 2 = 33. REQUIRES INTERNET EXPLORER web browser.
  3. Tuesday handout: Dreamweaver and Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 2009 homework.

    Supplement to this HW. Understanding the and < and > escape sequences and other special characters, as well as, as well as the Excel VBA approach to counting how many groups had a repeated birthday out of 1,000 groups of 23 persons..

  4. Flash and the UP, OVER, DOWN, and HIT states for custom made BUTTON symbols. See UP, OVER, DOWN and HIT states. Rotation as animation.">Rotating movement either CW or CCW, while moving forward or falling downward or lifting skyward.
  5. The Ghostbuster's theme song and how Flash allows you to use AUDIO in your applications. This is for 810:022 in spring 2011 class, but you might want to see it. Example one and (Left and Right CHANNELS visualized - example two.

Thursday 09/02: StudioIT 1 - ITT 134 lab classroom on 2nd floor.

S'Mores intro by Samantha: Example one of Flash Intros. We did NOT ever get started on Flash Intros yet. We did two things in the hands-on lab class:
  1. Flash used to create a bouncing and squishing ball using CLASSIC Tweens, 5 different keyframes (KFs), with 4 different classic motion tweens used to do the frames in beTWEEN the Keyframes. The 1st and the 4th classic motion tweens has EASING applied. Ease In to the ball dropping to the floor. Ease out of the ball bouncing back up from the floor. The ball was an instance of a SYMBOL of type Movie Clip.

    EASE IN and EASE OUT: Bouncing balls side by side and in the same place nicely illustrate the difference between constant speed and EASE IN to a faster and faster speed along with EASE OUT of a throw or a fast bounce off the "floor".

    Related links: Look at the OCTAGON examples: 3.i. and 3.ii. and 3.iii. are seen from this page: January O C T A G O N S - 2007.

    Moving, growing, and shrinking disk is also related. This application adds instances of a BUTTON symbol to the user interface.

  2. Excel VBA macros: Making a Twirling WordArt example macro using For Next loops, DoEvents, and the recorded WordArt creation step and rotating VBA code. We did NOT get to the Accordian effect with the letter spacing.

Ham Porter: This is smores stuff. 
            First you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham. 
            Then, you roast the mallow. 
            When the mallows flaming, you stick it on the chocolate and cover it with the other end. 
            Then, you scarf.      

Week Three (September 7th and September 9th)

Tuesday, 09/07: Try out the Cirplosion Game, just for fun. Look at the examples of SASP, which stands for Solve A Simpler Problem. Solving a simpler problem, but one that is related to the final problem is a good strategy for developing EXCEL VBA macros or Flash ActionScript applications.

Thursday, 09/09: STUDIO IT 1 - ITT 134 laptop lab on 2nd floor: Excel VBA birthday's macro exercise, followed by Flash exercise.

  1. VBA Macros: How to get the DEVELOPER tab in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 - so you can do VBA macros recording, running, and editing.
  2. Excel VBA macros taught using the 23 Birthdays PowerPoint lesson - study it over both BEFORE and AFTER the classes that get all the way through making the Birthday macro. It eventually will include YELLOW and will also tell the user what DAY and MONTH the duplicated birthday is on. For example, August 2nd is the number 214 as a Julian date. New Year's Eve is number 365 and Ground Hogs Day is 33, since February 2nd is 31 January days plus 2, and 31 + 2 = 33. REQUIRES INTERNET EXPLORER web browser.
  3. Tuesday handout: Dreamweaver and Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 2009 homework.

    Supplement to this HW. Understanding the and < and > escape sequences and other special characters, as well as, as well as the Excel VBA approach to counting how many groups had a repeated birthday out of 1,000 groups of 23 persons..

  4. Flash and the UP, OVER, DOWN, and HIT states for custom made BUTTON symbols. See UP, OVER, DOWN and HIT states. Rotation as animation.">Rotating movement either CW or CCW, while moving forward or falling downward or lifting skyward.
  5. The Ghostbuster's theme song and how Flash allows you to use AUDIO in your applications. This is for 810:022 in spring 2011 class, but you might want to see it. Example one and (Left and Right CHANNELS visualized - example two.

I am giving up on using this TEMPLATE.

  1. The Tuesday 09/14 group exercise in-class questions with one Excel VBA Function solution shown.

  2. First email note: email022VBAearnedWithBICTION.txt - Learning the Excel VBA. Why it will help you for Flash ActionScript, for Photoshop, for After Effects Expressions. How to learn it using the BICTION principles.

  3. VIP email answer note to Jimi Hendrix's question: This class assumes you have NO PREVIOUS PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE. You will have a few of the basics of it down with the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language, enough to use it and learn more of it on your own later on. B A S I C is an acronym for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. NetLogo, Alice and Scratch might be better for beginners, but VBA is almost as ideal and easy for your introduction to programming. Not interested in programming. Fine, but the skills TRANSFER to being much improved at approaching other things you are interested in!

WEEKS 5-10: Link to weeks 5 through 10 810:022 course summary page.