Week #1 - 810:023 Microcomputer Systems
Introduction to Flash

  1. Learning Flash in a Flash: Episode #1: Fundamentals - Running Time 39:02 - Introduction to Flash CS3 and Timeline, drawing tools and symbols. Instances of symbols and the three symbol types.
  2. Overview of Flash in a Flash Episodes 1 to 6 is useful to look at, but you probably want to view the video from the above link. Why? So you can go full-screen and actually see the Flash demonstrations details without a magnifying glass!

    Episode 1: Fundamentals
    Episode 2: Creating Animations
    Episode 3: More Animation, Plus Sound
    Episode 4: Introduction to Flash Video
    Episode 5: Basic Interactivity and ActionScript 3.0
    Episode 5: Publishing Your Project
  3. Tutorials: Adobe video workshops for learning Flash CS3 and After Effects CS3.
  4. Watch only the first 3 minutes of the Chris Georgenes video: Creating animations using shape tweens.
    1. The length of the video is 05:36 (5 minutes 36 seconds).
    2. You can watch the entire video, but don't worry about anything after the 03:00 point!
    3. If you wish, you can also look at an HTML version of the tutorial that is demonstrated.
    4. Please watch the video several times.

    Homework questions are due on Friday at the beginning of the hands-on class in Studio IT 3 (ITT 138). These questions are a prelab assignment. Read, observe, watch, learn.
  5. Flash CS3 Adobe Video Workshop: Creating and using symbols and instances by Jen deHaan lasts for 07:12.
    1. To find it, under Select a Product choose Flash CS3 Professional.
    2. Under Select a Topic choose Getting started.
    3. Then find the Title Creating and using symbols and instances.

    Homework questions are due on Friday at the beginning of the hands-on class in Studio IT 3 (ITT 138). Prelab exercise. Watch, listen, take notes and answer.