Quiz Two Study Guide - Tuesday, April 4th, 2011
Microcomputer Systems

  1. Input and Output redirection and Pipes. How do you do Input redirection? How do you do output redirection? How do you pipe the output of one Unix or Linux or DOS Prompt (Command Prompt) command to be the input to another command.
  2. C:\>help find
    Searches for a text string in a file or files.
    FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] [/OFF[LINE]] "string" [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]
      /V         Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string.
      /C         Displays only the count of lines containing the string.
      /N         Displays line numbers with the displayed lines.
      /I         Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string.
      /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
      "string"   Specifies the text string to find.
                 Specifies a file or files to search.
    If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt
    or piped from another command.
    C:\> assoc | find /c "="
    C:\> assoc | find /I "flash"
      458  finger
      459  finger  |     wc           PIPE symbol and PIPE operation
      460  man   wc  
      461  man   wc                   man wc = show the manual pages for wc command
      462  finger  |     wc  
      463  finger  |     wc           pipe the output of finger command to the wc command 
      464  finger                                        to get the count of lines, words, and characters.
      465  finger  >   march31st.txt  redirect the OUTPUT to a file named march31st.txt
      472  bc   <    bc.txt                       Redirect the INPUT to be from file named bc.txt
      473  bc   <    bc.txt    >  bcOutput.txt    Redirect both the INPUT and the OUTPUT
      474  more bcOutput.txt                      Look at the output file that bc > bcOutput.txt created. 
      475  history
      476  bc   <    bc.txt    |    wc             Input from bc.txt and Output piped to wc program.
    bash-2.05$ cat kidsInTheCar.txt  |   spell | sort    TWO PIPES and 3 programs (cat 1st, then spell, then sort)     
    annd                                                                           ---           -----       ----
    bash-2.05$ cat kidsInTheCar.txt  |   spell | sort  | wc         Using 3 pipes and FOUR programs!
           5       5      24
  3. Bridges and Switches: Filter or Forward or Flood. Physical addresses (MAC or NIC or NAC addresses). The Network Interface Card, the Network Adaptor Card, the 48 bit or 6 byte Media Access Control MAC or NIC or NAC address. Also known as the Physical Address. Switches and whether to FLOOD or to FORWARD or to FILTER a packet that arrives at the switch. ARP = Address Resolution Protocol. What does an ARP request obtain? What does it already know before getting the REPLY? What does it need to know or obtain?

  4. TIC - Tiny Imaginary Computer - question similar to quiz one. See quiz one and the quiz one study guide.
  5. 6. TIC - Tiny Imaginary Computer.                            <----- From quiz one study guide...
        You would be given the Table 7.1 TIC Operation Codes.  The quiz
        will require you to do a problem like you did for HW and like
        you did as group exercise in class and like was demonstrated
        and traced in class.
        And like was done on QUIZ ONE before SPRING BREAK and reviewed in class
                  after spring break when that page of the quiz was handed back.
        If you got 0 out of 8 points on the TIC portion of the quiz, you should
                  have extensive notes that you took on the day that question 
                  was reviewed.  (In an ideal world, anyway).
  6. Subnet masks and IP numbers. You will have a question like the following example to test your understanding of subnet masks.
    UNI currently has IP address for the uni.edu domain. The subnet mask that UNI currently uses is which means UNI only is broken up into TWO subnetworks.
  7. Quiz practice question:
    12. Suppose that the subnet mask for the middleearth.com domain is:
        Group all of the following IP numbers for the named computers
                              into groups that are on the same subnet.
           Merry.middleearth.com     Aragorn.middleearth.com     Gimli.middleearth.com  Frodo.middleearth.com  Bifur.middleearth.com  Bilbo.middleearth.com  Bofur.middleearth.com  Gollum.middleearth.com  Strider.middleearth.com  Gandalf.middleearth.com     Legolas.middleearth.com     Samwise.middleearth.com     Boromir.middleearth.com  Sauron.middleearth.com
        You can just mention the computer name when you do the grouping,
                        and avoid writing the .middleearth.com every time.
    Study and Review SUBNET MASKing concepts here.

  8. Wireshark material and the P D N T S P A OSI 7 layer model compared to the 4 layer TCP/IP model of networks. You have seen PORT numbers, IP addresses, Physical (MAC, NIC, NAC) addresses in actual network packet traffic now. WIRESHARK review and networking basics page.
  9. Thursday, March 10th, 2011 review of subnet masks and preview of wireshark network analysis software, etc.
  10. VIP: email023March29th2011.txt - the hints and metaphors and analogies should be understood.
  11. How Encapsulation Works in TCP/IP - look at the 7 layer model and the 4 layer model side by side. One computer requests. One computer receives. Five steps to the Data Encapsulation Process.