exactlyone <- function(p) { notp <- 1 - p tot <- 0.0 for (i in 1:length(p)) tot <- tot + p[i] * prod(notp[-i]) return(tot) } sim <- function(nreps) { commdata <- list() # will store all our info about the 3 committees commdata$countabsamecomm <- 0 for (rep in 1:nreps) { commdata$whosleft <- 1:20 # who's left to choose from commdata$numabchosen <- 0 # number among A, B chosen so far # choose committee 1, and check for A, B serving together commdata <- choosecomm(commdata, 5) # if A or B already chosen, no need to look at the other comms. if (commdata$numabchosen > 0) next # choose committee 2 and check commdata <- choosecomm(commdata, 4) if (commdata$numabchosen > 0) next # choose committee 3 and check commdata <- choosecomm(commdata,3) } print(commdata$countabsamecomm/nreps) } choosecomm <- function(comdat, comsize) { # choose committee committee <- sample(comdat$whosleft, comsize) # count how many of A and B were chosen comdat$numabchosen <- length(intersect(1:2,committee)) if (comdat$numabchosen == 2) comdat$countabsamecomm <- comdat$countabsamecomm + 1 # delete chosen committee from the set of people to choose from comdat$whosleft <- setdiff(comdat$whosleft,committee) return(comdat) }