---------------------------------- Computational Statistics STAT 5772 ---------------------------------- Hello STAT 5772 graduate students, Last year, one year ago, every graduate student gave a presentation on either Thursday or Friday of finals week, when there was a free period we could meet in WRT 110 lab. Everyone presented using the teaching station at the front of the room. Some students used power point slides and some students had a handout. All students gave me a copy of their power point slides, their write up and their R script code and statistical results. One student this year asked about needing to do it before Friday, so we talked about Thursday instead. I assume with 4 or 5 graduate students that we can find a time to do it on Thursday morning or early afternoon. I give a test at 3 pm on Thursday, so I am not free after 2 pm that day. Please send me your schedule for that Thursday when you get a chance. Every student one year ago found something from their own graduate thesis research or their own interests given their field or just their own interest in pursuing from what they wanted to investigate and/or master and/or get experience with further. The final project for graduate students then one year ago and now this semester is open-ended. Open-ended means it is your choice, your decision, you can choose something of most interest to your program or research or goals. There have been no weekly assignments for a few weeks now, so I guess when you ask about the amount of work, a good rule of thumb would be about 3 times as much as an assignment that is assigned as due one week later in the class would be the minimum expected. A couple students last year just treated it like Mark Ecker's Applied Statistics class type project and found an interesting data set from the web to investigate and analyze and manipulate the data of and then dove in and did all sorts of statistical tests and data manipulations to see what relationships could be found to be there and significant or not, etc. Again, I am required to require more for graduate students doing STAT 5772 for graduate credit. The open ended, whatever is most relevant to your research or career goals or most interesting to pursue at this time is up to you. All of the graduate students one year ago had the presentation ready and gave it and turned in the materials to me on Thursday or Friday whenever we met as a group. The entire presentation set took less than one hour for 5 students. I cannot remember if one student might have given their presentation but needed an extra day to finish writing up their summary or the research, but I would have been flexible on that. Mark