Computational Statistics Final Exam Study Guide

  1. Quiz One: Study Guide/Outline: Quiz One on Tuesday, October 21st.
    ... QUIZ ONE from Tuesday, October 21st...

    Quiz One - Readings/pages from DSUR, the fall of 2014 textbook:
    You have this as a HANDOUT from Thursday, October 21st.

  2. Be able to use MERGE. How does MERGE work? Census Data and extracting just the list of oounties we are interested in.
    Merging Data Frames...
    R Manual on Merge syntax.

  3. User-written functions: Be able to understand an R user-defined function such as finding the count of ODD numbers or getting the sum of the logarithms or floor of the logs or ceiling of the logs. How to do FOR loops. What is the syntax of an R function?

  4. Pages 195-202: Multiple Regression handout study questions and study guide for the Multiple Regression ozone example class handout and we did this example during class.

    Pages 195-202 handout at full size 8 pages is more readable. Contains an example/explanation of update() on page 202. This was NOT part of the two page reduced handout you received.

  5. R5.pdf: ANOVA example done and discussed in class. Great example of abline() function and lines() function. See page 156. What do the following two statements do?
    abline(mean(ozone),0)   The slope of the line is 0, the 2nd argument
    for (i in 1:20) lines(c(i,i), c(mean(ozone),ozone[i]))