Making After Effects comps interactive through Flash

After Effects Effect > Simulation > CC Snow rendered to FLV
FLV imported to Flash as a movie clip symbol and named for Actionscript 3.0
Flash interactivity via an invisible button (see the video tutorial)

  1. Video tutorial: AEtoFLVtoFL.html = After Effects to FLash Video (FLV) to Flash (SWF). Flash BUTTONS and how to make an invisible button to control the snowing, raining, bubbling and the dancing of the Campanile. 19 minutes 29 seconds video tutorial.
  2. VIP: Version 1 of the UNI Campanile application, with extensive screen snapshots and LI numbered explanations.
  3. VIP: Falling Snow application that was done in class - both the 810:023 Microcomputer Systems class (Flash portion of lesson) and the 810:088 VE, A and MG class.
  4. The Falling Snow in Flash CS3 video tutorial from Layers Magazine. It is linked to from the above page too. This tutorial does NOT include anything about making the falling snow interactive. It does not include any Flash button symbol or any Actionscript coding.

//  Code from the video tutorial application - Sunday 03/07/2010
ShowHide_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showOrHideSnowing);
snowing.visible = false;
dancing.visible = false;
function showOrHideSnowing(evt:MouseEvent):void 
	snowing.visible = false;
	dancing.visible = false;
	if (mouseY < 81) 
		dancing.visible = true;
	else if (mouseY < 162)
		snowing.visible = true;