Frequently asked questions
Common problems and solutions

Mark Jacobson's FAQ page for use by 021 class

So far, no questions or problems encountered. Check again in a few days.

  1. The URL to get to your page, if you name it index.html, is just and the URL if you name the page homepage.html would be

  2. The name of the computer you need to login to or do file transfers to is:

  3. Here are some commands to remember:
    history                    (reminds you of what commands you have
                                                    been doing recently)
    ls     or       ls -l      (lists your files)
                                - -
    control-D   (logs you out, logs you off of control-d
    pico fileName.txt or pico fileName.html  (opens up the existing, or
                                              the brand new file
                                              with the pico editor)