Fri Apr 8 05:39:13 CDT 2016 BICTION BIC pen transparent... B I C = Be Eye See Yossarian and learning to see, repeating seeing and the fiction techniques of Catch 22. Hegel studies and peak experiences. Levels of seeing and understanding - breakthrough to the next level. I thought I understood Hegel 4 months ago. Now I really understand Hegel. Surpassing previous level of insight. Insight and sight. Seeing is clarity. Confusion preceeds clarity. Darkness comes before light. Clumsiness comes before grace. Falling on butt as a baby preceeds standing on two legs. Walking comes after crawling. Crawling from one place to another place is quadraped, four "legged" movement, arms as front legs, so to speak. Then the first steps after being able to stand and balance (Stands With A Fist) are so exciting for the baby and for the parents, laughing, encouraging. Baby falls on his or her butt and just laughs and tries again. This is biped, two legged movement has been achieved. Two legs has a right triangle. Two legs has a homo sapien, a human being. BIC as in Be Eye See. We see when there is light. Keep it light, enjoy and laugh when challenged to learn a new skill or when confused when trying to understand a new concept or set of concepts. Keep it light. Be positive. The C in BIC is see, seeing. Sunlight, photosynthesis, breathing, get your TAN on, light as a wave or light as a particle. SIN(a) TAN( a ) = ---------- get your TAN on - the tangent is the slope COS(a) the slope is steep, but use EASE IN, gradually gain speed, gradually increase the rate of learning, the level of undersnding. Ecto 1 is the vehicle to get you there. Club Can't Handle Me video. BIC as in Be Eye See - spring, photosynthesis, sunlight, solar, global warming, seeing. BIC and C as in See. Write down your notes, rewrite the problem description in your own words, look at the problem in your own handwriting and drawing, let the INK flow and the thINK happen. Get on paper a diagram and write down each fact and piece of information that you know, that is given, that is the starting point of the situation. BIC as in C as in SEE that scratched out scratch paper notes, note it, mark what you have marked and written down (see Beatrice quote from MAAN, from Much Ado About Nothing). To Be or Not to Be - Hamlet soliloquuy. The notes, the scratch paper, the consumed ink and paper. Are they to BE or are they not to BE? Pretty Woman and Vivian being driven away with Roxette song playing. What was meant to be is NOT TO BE! Tragedy! Why? Tragedy is turned into Comedy, just as in Much Ado About Nothing, MAAN, and the movie has a happy ending. Why? Edward is made to SEE. Solidarity occurs, marriage, meant to be is, comes to be, instead of is not, instead of ceasing to be. The world must be peopled. You must reach your potential. Your attitude toward this class or toward quantitative thinking and math, or toward this software, or toward whatever can be like a don John, making you see wrongly, deceiving you. So you find yourself being transported away from what should be part of your dream. You are cutting off one of your LEGs, you are being separated from one part of your potential for a rich life. BICTION, the rate at which INK is consumed. If this class works, your rate will start out pretty good compared to other classes you have taken in the past and then it will demonstrate EASE IN, the slope will get steeper, generally, as you start to gain more interest and passion for the subject and confidence in the process. First week - 0.15 inches of ink. The RISE over the RUN. Second week - 0.25 inches of ink. Third week - 0.40 inches of ink. Fourth week - 0.59 inches of ink. EASE IN - increasing slope - TAN Hamlet: To Be Or Not To Be That is the question. Isaac Watts - The Improvement of the Mind and BICTION. Polya and problem solving. 2001 A Space Oddessy The EYE in B I C as in BE EYE SEE learning to see, literature, philosophy, Shakespeare, art, painting, music, shapes, slopes, skiing... EYE HAND coordination, grasping, reading, writing. To write, to be writing, grasping BIC pen, write. WR-EYE-TE as in wr-I-te, take pen to paper, let the ball roll, dance, play ball, let the ink flow, let the ball roll, ball point pen drawing, diagraming, doodling, writing, separating and focusing on separate facts. What is given? Note it. Note each and every fact that is present. Understand and see the whole situation. Make the connections, combine after isolating. Group after singling out, make groups of related individual facts. What is the goal? What is the desired result, the required output? Get a clear idea of the target. Draw the target. See the bulls eye. How to you get from i to ii, from given to goal, from input to output, from foundation facts to new information or proven statement? Club Can't Handle Me 1st 14 seconds and Ecto 1, the vehicle to get you there, to make you the most successful programmer, problem solver, citizen, or student. What is Ecto-1? What is the fuel that drives it, powers it? What is the engine? Is INK a fossil fuel? Electricity. Electronic Digital Computer. ABC computer and the January drive across Iowa. Atanasoff. Solar power, electric cars, battery and sunlight power, photosynthesis. Light. I Sing the Body Electric - Whitman. The Sea Drift poems. Flight. Birds. The ocean. Sea power. Decentralized agents. Exercise bikes in the home that produce enough electrical power for that household, produce a days worth of electrical power with a one hour workout on the stationary bike. Agents. Polya diagram of How We Think has nine aspects. It has four corners. It is a geometric object, it is a quad, not a tri. 3D Graphics and quads and tris used to make up all polygons and surfaces. Isolate and Combine. Hamlet To Be or not to Be. That is the question. Take up arms against a sea of troubles. The pen is arms. 1776 and Thomas Paine. The pen was his musket. To B, do you see, To BE, oh, I see, to B, I do C now, yes, to BIC, to write, to wr-eye-te, to let the ink flow and the understanding grow. This is my symphony, my LAC class will flower because of my BIC philosophy, ink shedding, writing, journalling, note taking, diagramming. Michael Faraday note taking and rewriting, developing, required once every four weeks in class by every student. BIC - B is the 2nd letter, C is the 3rd letter, two thirds of the TLA ABC, or the FLA ABCs, but ABC is the acronym and the s refers beyond itself to the 26 or the 52 it points to or refers to or denotes. If U aNd I both C that BIC is 66.7 percent of learning and reaching your potential understanding built on the bricks of words made up of letters, then the B and the C lead to to A, not to focus on the stupid letter crap, however, so let us go to the next vowel and loudly howl, E, or skip to the next vowel, the I and in eye, or I sing the body electric, or the next one, the O, as in Oh ya baby, or circle and PI, Oh my, O as a circle, or really its an Oval shape. And the last vowel is U, as in yoU can do it, as in the U in UNI, we are Panthers, this is UNIverse we live it, this is the UNIversity, UNIty of different concepts, interdisciplinary, creative, passionate. U aNd I, Panthers. I O W A and 3 different vowels, the wolf lifts its head and points its nose skyward toward the sun or skyward into the twilight approaching night and from the sunset horizon and the wolf howls, that howl penetrates the plains and it reaches you and you STAND WITH A FIST shaking it and challenging any negative thought or Fixed Mind Set habit that tries to take over your mind or come back and assert its bullying rule and mislead you. Dances With Wolves. The peak. The mountains, the peak experience. Fixed and growth mind sets. Get on your horse and travel. Be like the Sioux Indians and use everything, take advantage of everything. Don't just take the hide of the buffalo and a little bit of its meat. Use everything here at UNI, don't be cut off from and throw away superb resources for your life here and now and your success and security and enjoyment down the road ahead because you are mislead (or misled) by don John to seeing wrong, to being wrong, to thinking that: "This is not for me." Fri Apr 8 06:53:15 CDT 2016 --- end of session on 100/1000/10000 4/8/16 2 3 4 2 2 2 = 4 8 16 = powers day. 11 years until the next consecutive powers day, which will be 3/9/27.