Old exam questions

  1. The SendMeteor procedure has several errors and will run but will not work correctly. The game player will not be interested in playing the game for very long until those logic errors are corrected. Only after they are all corrected will the game behave as it is designed to. You can assume that everything outside of the SendMeteor procedure is correct. All the errors are between Sub SendMeteor() and its End Sub statement.
  2. Your boss tells you that the imgMeteor.Move MeteorX, MeteorY statement has got to go because the Visual Basic compiler is broken and no longer recognizes the Move method. Write the statement or statements to replace the Move statement, so that the program would still work as intended and move the imgMeteor control to the new location on frmAnimation.
Sub SendMeteor()
    For i = 1 To 200
        MeteorX = MeteorX + Speed
        MeteorY = MeteorY + Speed
        imgMeteor.Move MeteorX, MeteorY
        If IsHit(CLng(MeteorX), CLng(MeteorY)) Then
            imgBurst.Picture = imgMeteor.Picture
            stopTime = Timer + 0.5
            theTime = Timer
            Do While theTime < stopTime
                theTime = Timer
            imgMeteor.Visible = False
            Hits = Hits + 1
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Misses = Misses + 1
    Next i
End Sub