# This will load quickly, as it is only 77 observations (rows) # and 23 columns (variables). cereals <- read.csv("http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/SCL/R/data/cereals.CSV") names(cereals) head(cereals) tail(cereals) cereals$Calories cereals$Sugars names(cereals) head(cereals[,c(10, 12, 16)]) tail(cereals[,c(10, 12, 16)]) plot(cereals$Sugars, cereals$Rating) # Do not forget about Ctrl+L to CLear the Console # (Edit menu > Clear Console command) summary(cereals) summary(cereals[, c(4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16)]) sort(cereals$Protein) sort(cereals$Fiber) boxplot(cereals$Fiber) # See the three outliers - 9, 10 and 14