SPSS Short Course - April 15th or 19th, 2011

  1. GSS full time.sav SPSS data set.

  2. endorph.xlsx

  3. Testing Single Means and Testing Two Related Means in SPSS.

  4. Review: Practice Excel workbook with three different worksheets. We will use Independent Sample T-Test on the data.

  5. Link to cntry15.sav SPSS data set.

    Link to country.sav SPSS data set.

  6. Recoding variables and comparing Linear Regression results to Crosstabs Chi Square results.

  7. Fishers Exact Test SPSS data.

  8. The URL to get the SCL (Statistical Consulting Lab) home page is: http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/SCL

  9. Send email to: jacobson@cs.uni.edu if you want to make an appointment for help on your research in the future.

    The best book ever written for both learning SPSS and for understanding statistics and the practice of research is by Marija J. Norusis. The title of the book is: SPSS 16.0 Guide to Data Analysis, but older editions of the book are fine for learning SPSS too. The changes from SPSS since version 12 onward are minor enough you could easily get by with an older edition of the textbook. Remember, much of the book is about the data analysis too.