SPSS - Recoding variables, value labels, Independent Samples T Test, One-Way ANOVA

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  1. This tutorial uses the 1991 General Social Survey data set. All versions of SPSS come with this example data set. It is installed in the Examples folder inside of your SPSS folder.
  2. Here is a PDF version of the video tutorial (not ready yet).
  3. There will be two other tutorials needed to cover and review what we do in the SPSS short course part I. It is likely that three tutorials will also be needed to review and cover what is taught in SPSS short course part II.
  4. This video tutorial is a rough draft version. Feel free to send comments, suggestions and questions to: jacobson@cs.uni.edu - constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated!
  5. UNI statistical consulting center (SCL) home page.