UNIX, HTML and cowboy.cns.uni.edu info

  1. How to use pico editor on cowboy.cns.uni.edu. The pico name stands for pine composer, which means that pico is the pine email editor or composer for the sending and replying commands.

  2. The UNIX commands that are most commonly used. We have used ls, ls -l, cd web, mkdir web, finger, who, w, logout, etc. Read this page to learn more about the commands.

  3. The UNIX chmod command is as easy as 4 + 1 = r-x or 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 = rwx.

  4. Other UNIX information and resources.

  5. Base 2: Binary numbers, and how to convert from base 10 to base 2 or from base 2 into base 10. Base 10 = decimal. Base 2 = binary. Base 8 Octal and chmod 644 requires you to understand BINARY.