' Written by Mark Jacobson - graphic file browsing application ' - previous subs not shown Dir1_Change() Drive1_Change() File1_Click() Dim whichPic As String ' Global variable whichPic Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If whichPic = File1.ListCount Then Timer1.Enabled = False cmdShowAllPictures.Caption = "&Show All" whichPic = 0 End If File1.ListIndex = whichPic whichPic = whichPic + 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdShowAllPictures_Click() Static p As String ' Local, static variable p If Timer1.Enabled Then cmdShowAllPictures.Caption = "&Show All" p = File1.Path Else If File1.ListCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Sorry, no files were found matching the pattern" & _ File1.Pattern * " in the currently selected folder." Exit Sub End If cmdShowAllPictures.Caption = "&Pause or Stop" If File1.Path <> p Then whichPic = 0 End If End If Timer1.Enabled = Not Timer1.Enabled End Sub Private Sub cmdSlowDownDisplayRate_Click() Timer1.Interval = Timer1.Interval + 100 ' Add 1/10th second to slow ' Timer1 down by 100 milliseconds. End Sub Private Sub cmdChangeFilter_Click() newPattern = InputBox("Please enter a new pattern." & vbCrLf & _ "Your existing pattern is: " & File1.Pattern File1.Pattern = newPattern End Sub