OLD - Microcomputer Systems 810:023 Spring 2005 - n Years ago

The Spring 1999 web page, the Spring 2000 web page, Spring 2001 810:023 web page, Spring 2002 810:023 web page Spring 2003 810:023 web page, and the Spring 2004 810:023 web page all are useful to see what kinds of topics are covered in this class. Keep in mind, the rate of change for networks, PCs and operating systems means the class will change quite a bit in response.

Here is a STUDY GUIDE for the comprehensive final exam. It highlights the major topics and categories.

Quiz one to four grade summary by your secret code.
Monday, April 18th handout: Homework due on Monday, April 25th. Much of it is from or refers to the textbook.

How does a Scanner work?

QUIZ ON MONDAY, APRIL 4th. You got this outline/study guide as an email note.

Quiz THREE on Wednesday, March 9th - Includes new material on Hamming codeword, and the E F E R A basics. Includes concepts of Framing and of Parity (Even and Odd Parity) for error detection. Also, quiz three will cover TIC (Tiny Imaginary Computer) fetch/execute cycle and tracing of the instructions. You will be given the codes and do not have to memorize them, but you need to have a good understanding of how the TIC instructions work together to get our data processed by fetching instructions and data from memory and using a PC and an ACC to get the job done.

What is the difference between the sentinel approach and the byte count approach to detecting the END of a Frame in the Framing problem (the F of E F E R A)? Attention: Quiz Two note and outline/study guide, as well as tutorial on ethernet and CSMA/CD protocol.

NICs and Transmission Media illustrations, etc.

Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away and the SEVEN layers of the OSI Networking Model.

1st Download for using with ethereal network protocol analyzer.

2nd Download for using with ethereal sniffer for class #2 (Wednesday January 12th).

Networking terms and concepts - This LAN is your LAN.

How does a Scanner work?

Spring 2005 course reviews/previews

  1. Chapter Two Slides.

  2. IP numbers, dotted decimal, Class A, B or C, etc. Email note and class #1 review, classes #2, #3 preview.

  3. Slides: Chapter 11 IP, subnet masks portion. See previous email note.

    Slides: Chapter 11 IP, subnet masks for OLDER BROWSERS and CEEE lab .

  4. Class #1 (Monday, January 10th) handouts are one on binary subnet mask values and another on binary basics and IP numbers and subnetting, with class A, class B, and class C information.

E F E R A - To be discussed during weeks 3 and 4 There are 5 issues to consider when connecting two nodes or computers with some media like cable. They are EFERA.
Encoding, Framing, Errors, Reliability and Access are E, F, E, R, A.
Encoding the digital data on the signals that the analog media can transmit, and decoding it back to the digital binary pattern when received.
Sentinel approach and byte count approach to know the end of a frame. Detecting the exact start of a frame is the other issue. "Not me" and "Mine" example.
Error detection
Even and odd parity. Hamming codewords. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Reliable delivery
Sliding windows. Timers and ACKs. Automatic resend after timer goes off if no ACK from destination host.
Access control
CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA and token passing we have already studied.
Ethereal capture file exercise. Tuesday, March 9th, 2004.
Parallel and Serial Ports. Chips and Connections.
Cyclic Redundancy Check #1 and Cyclic Redundancy Check #2 and

Practice interactive QUIZ (2 questions) for CRC redundancy bits. (32 bits attached to actual network packets, but 4 bits for toy examples).

Shell Programming followup from the March 30th class.

Caeser cipher is a substitution cipher. See the enciphering of UNI Panthers using every possible key from 1 to 25.

Note: Tentative plan to have a quiz on April 8th.