********* primes.cgi PERL code ********** #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI ':standard'; my $limit; my @primes; print header; print start_html('Prime numbers via Perl/CGI'), h1('Prime numbers calculated by PERL/CGI script'); print start_form, textfield('upperLimit', '300', '5', '5'), "This program prints out all the prime numbers <= n ", br, "Enter an integer n as an upper limit: ", p, submit('Show Primes'), end_form, hr, p; $limit = param('upperLimit'); @primes = (0, 0, 2 .. $limit); for (my $index = 2; $index <= sqrt($limit); $index++) { if ( $primes[$index] ) { my $cross_out = $index * 2; while ( $cross_out <= $limit ) { $primes[$cross_out] = 0; $cross_out += $index; } } } my $per_line = ($limit > 1000)? 15 : 18; my $adjust = ($limit > 10000)? " " : ""; my $n = 0; if (param()) { print "\n
   foreach my $prime_number ( @primes )
      if ( $prime_number )
         my $spaces = "";

         if ($prime_number < 10)
            $spaces .= "   " . $adjust;
         elsif ($prime_number < 100)
            $spaces .= "  " . $adjust;
         elsif ($prime_number < 1000)
            $spaces .= " " . $adjust;
         elsif ($prime_number < 10000)
            $spaces .=  $adjust;

         print "$spaces" . "$prime_number ";
         if ($n % $per_line == 0)
            print "\n";

   print "\n\nThere are $n primes between 2 and $limit\n
"; } print hr, p, "See the script of the ", a( {-href=>'showPrimesCode.cgi'}, "primes.cgi PERL/CGI statements"), ", which illustrates many techniques and strategies.", p, hr; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year = $year + 1900; $nextMonth = $mon + 2; print "\n
\n" . `cal` . "\n\n" . `cal $nextMonth $year` .
\n"; # back tic for Unix command print end_html;