math-cs:~/web/cgi-bin> #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); print header, start_html('Vertical Printing - Feb 26, 2003 class'), h1('Vertical Printing Demo'), start_form, "What's your phrase or word to go vertical? ", textfield('theWord'), p, submit, end_form, hr, 'See PERL code', hr, 'See version 2 of vertical CGI', hr; if (param()) { $spaces = " "; @letters = split(//, param('theWord')); print "\n


       foreach (@letters)
          print "$spaces $_\n";

       print "\n

\n"; } print end_html; ------------------------------- math-cs:~/web/cgi-bin> ./vertical.cgi theWord=PANTHERS ------------------------------- Note: vertical.cgi theWord=PANTHERS would be enough ------------ on some computers, if the current folder, ., is included automatically in the search path. vertical.cgi theWord=GHOSTBUSTERS textfield('theWord'), theWord is the name of a TextBox, and would be where the user typed in PANTHERS or GHOSTBUSTERS or whatever data. -------- ------------ -------------------------------------- perl vertical.cgi theWord=GHOSTBUSTERS -------------------------------------- is another way to send in arguments, when compiling and running the vertical.cgi PERL CGI program. math-cs:~/web/cgi-bin> ./vertical.cgi theWord=PANTHERS Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Vertical Printing - Feb 26, 2003 class

Vertical Printing Demo

What's your phrase or word to go vertical?

See PERL code
See version 2 of vertical CGI


48 15:40 ls ver* 49 15:40 more vertical.cgi 50 15:41 cd .. 51 15:41 pico c022.html 52 15:43 cd cgi-bin 53 15:43 perl vertical.cgi theWord=GHOSTBUSTERS 54 15:44 perl vertical.cgi theWord=GHOSTBUSTERS 55 15:44 history 56 15:44 ./vertical.cgi theWord=PanthersABCDEFGHI 57 15:44 history