Estimated amount of time spent on learning and practicing each product. Of course, the products will be integrated together. We will produce a 3D animation using Maya and integrate it into an After Effects production.

The Breakdown

1. Autodesk Maya - 2 weeks of the 8 weeks (25%)

          (0% Fall 2012) No MAYA. Needs a separate class!

2. Adobe Flash - 2 weeks of the 8 weeks (25%)

          (20%) Fall 2012 it will be about 3 weeks of the 15 weeks.

3. Adobe After Effects - 4 weeks of the 8 weeks (50%)

          (80%) About 12 weeks of the 15 week long semester.

One product's animation and graphics concepts and specific skills will help you learn the other product's concepts and techniques. Flash will help you understand After Effects. After Effects will help you more quickly learn and be comfortable with Flash. You will have a very good grasp of Computer Graphics Visual Effects and Animation by utilizing the 2 different Adobe products.










