Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 16:36:03 -0600 (CST) From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: Monday hands-on lab class Studio IT III Hi 088 students, On Monday, we will have class downstairs in the Studio IT III lab again. I found the link to PHP Feedback Form. Please look at: and follow the hypertext link to: Halfway down the page it refers to the following two items. Be sure to look over those links too. (How to Improve... and How to Prevent...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you put the script "live" on the Internet, check out the following additional tutorials: In How to Improve Your Form to Mail Script, you will develop the script so that your visitor's input is checked to catch instances where someone accidentally clicks the "Submit" button before they fill in their email address. You will also learn how to integrate both the form and the script into a single "feedback.php" file if you wish. The article How to Prevent Email Injection in Your PHP Form to Mail Scriptsdeals with the security aspects of putting a PHP form to mail script "live" on the Internet, where spammers can abuse it and hijack it to send SPAM to others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Monday, we will have class downstairs in the Studio IT III lab again for hands-on class. I found the link to the PHP Tutorial: Writing Your First PHP Script: A Feedback Form was right there on the screen we were looking at when I let class out early. It was link #5 and obviously the one I knew I needed but did not bother to read down the page that far! :-) bash-2.03$ date Fri Apr 4 14:48:06 CDT 2008 <----- 2:48 p.m. on Friday... Mark