1. What is Stacking Order? 2. What can and what cannot be stacked in Flash? Why? 3. What is Object Drawing Mode? 4. What is the keyboard or keystroke shortcut for converting a selected object or groups of objects or pixels into a Symbol, i.e. a reusable asset in the library? 5. What are the three options for or types of Symbols? 6. How many keyframes would be needed for the animation that you see on the laptop in the front of the room? Note: You may come up and see the running movie, if the laptop is too far away. I will try to place the laptop where most students can see it okay. 7. What is the key stroke or the keyboard shortcut to show or hide the Actions panel? 8. Describe what will happen if you open up a brand new Flash Document, and before doing anything else, open up the Actions panel? What will the Title Bar of the Actions Panel say? What will the bottom left corner area below the ActionScript code say? (Note: This might say myButton or green light or GO or STOP, for -------- ----------- -- ---- example.) 9. Suppose you have a button that has been given the instance name of pauseTheAnimation. ----------------- Write the ActionScript code that you would place in the Actions Panel so that the button causes the animation to pause or freezeframe. (Note: This is just like our RED button and our GREEN button practicing. pauseTheAnimation is an instance of myButton. It could have just as well been named RED or redButton.) 10. What is camel case? (See page 307 of the textbook). 11. What would the name Yellow Light become in Flash, if you decided to camel case it? ------------ 12. Consider the Layer Properties dialog box where you can name your layer, and Show it or Lock it the slower way that you probably will never use. (Show it and Lock it checkboxes). Name the 5 (or name all 6) Layer Property types we have used. Type: Might be 6 choices that we have used in the class so far, if we use the 6th one today (Wednesday, June 20th). 13. What are the three rules for ActionScript, according to our textbook? They are listed on pages 305 and 306. "Luckily, ActionScript has very few syntax rules. In fact, it has only three that you need to think about when writing basic scripts:" Page 305 Rule 1: Rule 2: Rule 3: 14. Recall the bouncing ball exercise we did in class and in lab. Note: See the web page to link to a very similar example that has the ball bounce off the ground. http://cns2.uni.edu/~jacobson/flash/ has a link to: http://www.uni.edu/~jacobson/feb23rd_files/BouncingBall.html It had a total of 5 different key frames. a. Suppose that the first think you did was create a ball and convert it into a symbol. The ball is placed on the Stage in Frame 1 and has the following properties: W: 50 X: 100 H: 50 Y: 0 b. In frame 20 the ball will be just hitting the graphic we have placed in the layer we named Ground. Here are the properties it has in Frame 20, so it is just touching the ground graphic. W: 50 X: 100 H: 50 Y: 260 c. Frame 30 and Frame 20 are identical keyframes. d. Frame 1 and Frame 50 are identical keyframes. e. Frame 25 will have the following properties for Width and Height. W: 90 X: ??? H: 20 Y: ??? So its going to be one of those very cool squishing ball or waterballoon effects, when it "HITS" the ground. It will squish from keyframe 20 to 25 and it will unsquish back to its original perfectly round, circular 50 by 50 size as it goes its animated way between keyframe 25 and 30. What will the exact X: and Y: settings need to be for the ball object in keyframe 25, so it squished toward the ground and stays vertically centered with the entire dropping and landing ball? 15. For question #13, we have keyframes 1, 20, 25, 30 and 50. a. Which keyframe(s) will be with the first one(s) to be created after keyframe #1 is all set up with the ball? b. Which keyframe or keyframes will be with the first one or first ones to be changed (not including keyframe #1). c. Which keyframe(s) will be among the 2nd set of keyframes to be created on the timeline for the ball layer? d. Which keyframe or keyframes of the set of 1 or more keyframes created in step c. will need to be changed. 16. Suppose you have all 5 keyframes all set up for the question 14 bouncing ball animation. a. How many Motion Tweens will need to be inserted for this animation? Note: n has to be a positive integer. b. Describe how you could insert all of these Motion Tweens on the Timeline in one select and then act step instead of in n separate Select and then Act steps? c. How many of these Motion Tweens should have the Easing set so they mimic a bouncing ball and the effect of gravity, aka the Earth's love for its objects and Nature's objects attraction to the Earth? d. Which set of Frames Motion Tween should Ease In? e. Which set of Frames Motion Tween should Ease Out? 17. What are Onion Skins (for Flash, not for Hy Vee)? 18. How many Onion Skins will you see if you turn on Onion Skins for the finished application described in Q14 and Q15 above? (Warning Note: This IS a TRICK QUESTION, so be careful). 19. What is the difference between: a. Fading with Alpha and Fading with Tint when using Motion Tween effects? 20. How do you get an object to Change Color mid-tween? 21. Where is a Motion guide in relation to the thing that it is guiding? a. Above it b. Below it c. Beside it d. all of these 22. How did the Foundation Flash 8 textbook jump out of the ocean water in front of the ship and then disappear back into the water, swim in the opposite direction the ship was moving, and then jump out of the water again behind it? Your answer should be specific enough that a Flash beginner could be able to follow your directions and/or understand the concepts for how this was done. 23. ***** NEW - Not on your YELLOW sheet handout ***** The three types of behavior for a Text object in Flash are what? 24. In the Square celebrating Squareness with its square dance, the square has unfortunately messed up. http://www.uni.edu/~jacobson/feb23rd_files/Square.html is linked to from our web page: http://cns2.uni.edu/~jacobson/flash/ Describe how to fix it so that the square follows a square path and always turns 90 degrees at all of the corners. Your solution should change as few keyframes as possible! Be precise in describing how to fix the existing animation. 25. For a layer that has been set to Mask, what can you see in the layer below it? a. If the layer below it is not set to Masked? b. If the layer below it is set to Masked? 26. Which will usually be faster, the alpha fade or the tint fade? Why? 27. ***** ---- NEW - Not on your YELLOW sheet handout ---- ***** a. What are the four states of a Button Symbol? b. Which state is typically used to tell the user it is a button they can use by CHANGING THE COLOR of the button. Typically, it changes the shade of color. We have generally changed from a brighter RED or brighter GREEN to a faded red or to a faded green, for example. c. Which state is typically indicated by having the button move. We have it change position so it moves downward and rightward by 5 or 10 or 15 pixels, for example.