Your first name:

  1. Suppose you want to make your own toolbar in Excel. What is the name of the command you should click on from the right-mouse toolbar context-sensitive popup menu?

  2. Suppose you have want to declare a scalar variable in PERL for storing the Social Security Number of a person. Using SSN in the name, what should be the name of the scalar variable in PERL?

  3. What permissions are needed for the PERL .cgi or .lib files you need? Enter the 3 octal digit code that you would use with chmod, please.

  4. What is the name of the chaos or Linux command you would use if you want to see what files are in your current directory?
    ls cd w finger

  5. What folder would contain your home page and many of your other web pages and graphics gif and jpg files for your web site?
    your home directory web www

  6. What is the name of the form that Access 97 database wizard creates automatically and uses as the user interface for a database application? (See Lesson 1 of Access 97 book).
    GUI Switchboard Userform