G = my client is guilty K = knife was in the drawer J = Jason saw the knife O = knife was there on October 10th H = hammer was in the barn 1. If my client is guilty, then the knife was in the drawer. 2. Either the knife was not in the drawer or Jason Pritchard saw the knife. 3. If the knife was not there on Oct 10, it follows that Jason didn't see it. 4. If knife was there on Oct 10, then knife was in drawer and hammer was in the barn. 5. But we all know that the hammer was not in the barn. n. GOAL Therefore, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client is innocent. 1. G ---> K hyp GOAL Prove G' (Goal to prove: not G) 2. K' v J hyp ----- 3. O' ---> J' hyp 4. O ---> (K ^ H) hyp 5. H' hyp 6. (K ^ H)' ---> O' 4, contra contrapositive contra 7. (K' v H') ---> O' 6, DM De Morgan's DM 8. H' v K' 5, add additive add 9. K' v H' 8, comm commutative comm 10. O' 7, 9, mp modus ponens mp 11. J' 3, 10, mp 12. K' 2, 11, ds disjunctive syllogism ds 13. G' 1, 12, mt modus tollens mt