P.S.3. There was a handout today on the Solar System, the Sun, Earth, Moon subset of it will be covered and demonstrated over the next few classes. P.S.4. The Maya licenses and software got here this afternoon, two days earlier than expected. It will be in a few of the SCC labs soon. Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 11:56:41 -0600 (CST) READ THIS AGAIN for NEW From: Mark Jacobson information. To: 810-088-11-spring@uni.edu I ADDED MORE TO IT Subject: Maya Class #2 SNOW DAY SUMMARY... SO IT IS NOT JUST THE ORIGINAL EMAIL ---------- Forwarded message ---------- YOU RECEIVED!!! Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 11:32:12 -0600 (CST) From: Mark Jacobson To: "Frodo Baggins" Subject: Re: snow day Hi Frodo, http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/m/classDay1.html and http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/m/class2.html were used, but I barely got started on the 2nd URL of introducing the user interface of Maya. I only covered numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 14 of the numbered items. The 5 menu sets A P S D R and where they are on the STATUS BAR. Animation A Polygons P Surfaces S 4 for wireframe view of objects in scene Dynamics D 5 for smooth shading view of all objects in scene Rendering R I told the class I ALWAYS have a quiz question about APSDR several times during the semester. Memorize A P S D R, the 5 menus of the Maya menu sets. Think of APS as computer apps, computer applications, often called APPS. Think APS as apps. Think of the APS DR as the Doctor you call when you are having trouble with your computer application. The APS DR is the person at the help desk who tries to help you use the APS (say Microsoft Office apps or Autodesk Maya or Excel or Adobe Creative Suite 3 apps). The APS DR says: "Here is how you fix that problem you are having with Adobe Flash or here is how you can do that task in Autodesk Motion Builder". APS DR = Animation Polygons Surfaces Dynamics Rendering - - - - - It will be quite a few weeks before we have used at least one command from every one of these 5 menu sets. A and P will be the focus for the first few weeks. S will be the 3rd one we get to. D is special effects in movies and animations and will be especially exciting, but we won't get to D as in Dynamics until March at the earliest! R will come up either before or after S, probably, when we have to render unto Caesar, i.e. R = Rendering menu. Tumble, Track and Dolly review.... Showed the Channel Box and the translateX, translateY, translateZ values than change when you do the MOVE tool on an object and move it to a new location using the MOVE manipulators, which are RED and GREEN and BLUE. Discussed manipulators, the R G B handles that show up when you have x y z the W - Move tool, or the E - Rotate tool, or the R - Scale tool selected. We reviewed the QWERTY shortcuts W and E and R and it was the 3rd guess by the students when I asked what key I used to select the MOVE tool, so I was very happy there was lots of interaction and students volunteering information and guessing. Its actually better when different students tried to remember and guessed wrong twice. That could NOT have possibly gone better that one student said R, and then another student said E. 1st student: I think it is R. So I press R on the keyboard and the students see that the tool that was selected was the SCALE tool, or you can think of it as the Resize tool, R as in Resize. 2nd student: I think it is E. So I press E and every student in the room can see that E tool us to the tool that is below the MOVE tool that we had started with. E is for the Rotate tool. rotatE E Finally, the 3rd student to try answered W, and that key took us to the MOVE tool. I forgot to tell students that W is an upside down letter M as in Move! W is an M upside down. M W W W M Move tool shortcut is W W See the #7 Quick Layout Buttons that are right below the QWERTY tools. See the Maya User Interface Overview at: http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/m/class2.html The topmost Quick Layout button is for the PERSP view. The 2nd from the top button that is just below that is FOUR PANEL view. I showed the four panel view and the perspective view and how to see only the front view, only the top view or only the side view or only the perspective view by just tapping the SPACE BAR on your keyboard when you are in the four panel view. Whichever one of the FOUR PANELS your mouse pointer is in will be the single panel view after you press the SPACE BAR. The PERSP view is short for PERSPECTIVE view. You can TUMBLE, TRACK and DOLLY in the PERSP view panel. 3D view. The FRONT, TOP and SIDE views are called ORTHOGRAPHIC views. The ORTHOGRAPHIC view are 2D views, they are NOT 3D views. You can only do two of the three navigation methods in the 2D view panels. The three navigation methods are TUMBLE TRACK DOLLY ------ ----- ----- LMB MMD RMB Left mouse button = LMB Tumble Middle = MMB Track Right = RMB Dolly <---------------- Helloooooooooooooo! Which navigation method cannot be done in the ORTHOGRAPHIC Panel viewports? You will see this in the video tutorials and online readings. Try to guess which one could NOT be done in the Front, Side and Top views. That pretty well summarizes today's class. I did a poll of the class asking students to take a vote and I collected the votes. What is your vote? a. I will buy Maya if the UNI CCC gets it and sells it for $170 for the 14 month license for Autodesk Maya 2009 SuperPack. b. I will not buy Maya from the UNI CCC (and will use the UNI computer labs or I already own it or will buy it online, perhaps the forever license). c. I haven't decided. d. I likely will buy it or maybe will buy it. e. I likely will not buy it. f. I have not decided. Let me know your vote, but before you do, please look at the following web page so you know the details. http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/m/30dayFreeTrial.html Hope this review of today's class helps. Mark P.S. Oh ya, I showed the Panel menu where you can find that there are choices for Wireframe and for Smooth Shading view of objects in your Maya scene. The name of that menu is: Shading menu Wireframe 4 is keyboard shortcut Smooth Shade All 5 is keystroke to use Smooth Shade Selected Items ... The Shading menu is a PANEL menu in the PERSP, FRONT, TOP and SIDE viewports or Panels. View Shading Lighting Show Renderer Panels are the 6 menus you will see on every view panel. ------- View Shading Lighting Show Renderer Panels ------- P.S.2. Almost forgot, I also showed the OPTION BOX and how the OPTION BOX choice instead of click on the actual COMMAND brings up a small window that has two menus: EDIT HELP I am NOT going to try to explain that, because it will be demonstrated again and again as the class goes on. You can see what the OPTION BOX results in for the Polygonal Sphere Option Box at the class2.html web page. It shows the Option Box button and the resulting Polygon Sphere Options window with its EDIT and HELP menus. Edit menu Reset Settings command is explained there in item #2 on the web page class2.html. http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/m/class2.html http://www.cs.uni.edu/~jacobson/m/jan.html On Wed, 14 Jan 2009, BillboBaggins@MiddleEarth.org wrote: > mark > > i just got unstuck from my driveway, so sorry i missed class. i was > wondering what i missed? > > sorry again > > Frodo Baggins