CS 2880 11 Topics in Computing: Maya 3D Graphics

MAYA semester projects: MAYA student Final Projects ...

  1. VIP (current calendar): First Five Weeks Tue Jan 12th to Thu Feb 11th - class calendar and resources. Review often.

  2. The 2nd FIVE weeks calendar and class schedule/resources.

    1. The ONLINE WEBM converter converts .AVI to .WEBM format.
    2. I use the Upload your video you want to convert to WEBM: choice.
    3. The Choose Files button allows you to browse to your local .avi file (the one that After Effects render produced).
    4. When the Convert file button is clicked, the .avi file is converted to the .webm format and the .webm file is automatically downloaded to your downloads folder.
    Feb 16th to Mar 24th

  3. Last SIX Weeks: Mar 29th - Apr 28th (final exam on Wednesday May 4th at 1-2:50 pm)

Maya 2015 Getting Started with Maya...
Take a look at a few of the 3D Buzz - the-talented-ball lessons...

MAYA semester projects: MAYA student Final Projects ...

NonLinear Deformers at lynda.uni.edu....

ASSIGNMENT: Talented Ball - part 2 - Adding the Animation to the Talented Ball model.

Talented Ball 3D Buzz training videos.