Channel Box and Layer Editor and Outliner tutorial videos

  1. Please watch the tutorials that are indicated above here. You will need to scroll down when you get to the above URL until you see the portion of the window shown above. Alternatively, you can click the "Click to view Sample Videos" button that is shown on that page to go directly to the Select a Video window. The videos are free sample videos and very useful and engaging. They won't be of much use at all unless you pause the video to take some notes (BICTION) and to try out some of the things that were demonstrated and discussed with your copy of MAYA.
  2. Go to 3D Buzz MAYA Fundamentals videos

  3. The Outliner video is the shorter of the two videos. It is only 7 minutes and 28 seconds long.
  4. The Channel Box and Layer Editor video is 27 minutes and 8 seconds long. We first saw the Layer Editor in action during the Friday, October 17th class.
  5. The next quiz will be based upon the above two videos. Please take some notes on the two videos and bring them to class with you for the 23rd and 24th classes. Your notes can include questions, terms, definitions, concepts, algorithms (step by step instructions for how to do certain things with Maya), and thoughts on what is most useful to you about the Channel Box and/or Layer Editor and/or Outliner.