Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:44:34 -0500 (CDT) From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: Quiz on Wednesday, HW #1 due on Wednesday... Hi Maya students, I forgot to say: "See you next month!" at the end of today's hands-on MAYA class. And to have a nice Labor Day holiday weekend! You received the following assignment as a handout in class today: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUE ON WEDNESDAY - September 3rd --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is based upon Dariush Derakhshani textbook: Chapter 3 - Solar System The title of the book by D. D. is Introducing Maya 2008. I will often refer to our text as the DD book or the DD textbook. If you for some reason do not have the textbook yet, please send me email or talk to me out in the hallway after class today about it. I will make arrangements for your situation. Assignment for the 4th class (first Wednesday after Labor Day - September 3rd). (It should definitely be a hand-written assignment you turn in, written neatly with pen or pencil). 1. Read chapter 3 carefully and take one page of notes. Your notes can be diagrams, questions, confusions, step by step instructions written in your own words, experiences you had with trying things from the chapter in Maya, definitions of things like Pivot Point, attributes and/or NURBS, diagrams of icons on the Status Bar, discussing things like the Time Slider, reflections on the hands-on lab class experience of Sun, Earth and Moon, hierarchy concepts, techniques, QWERTY, etc. The one page of notes should fill up one side of the standard sized sheet of 8 inch by 11 inch paper. Rewrite that sheet of paper if it becomes too messy. Rewriting it will help you learn, review and and further grasp and master the concepts, so its actually a GOOD THING and a BLESSING if it got messy and you want to rewrite it as is or with modifications. 2. Study over your lecture notes from the first week of classes. Write down on the other side of your sheet of paper 5 different questions and/or observations about material in the class that you would like to comment or ask questions on or practice explaining to yourself again. Refer to page numbers in the book of material and even quote it briefly that helps you understand the first two lectures better. Obviously, you have two extensive lecture and class followup summaries at our web site that you can look at for further review of Monday's and Wednesday's first two classes. Use that material too, and practice your Maya by trying things and verifying different things. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUE ON WEDNESDAY - September 3rd --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will send the class #3 summary of today's Sun, Moon, Earth class out later today. This note and the lecture #3 summary sent out later will be posted at our class web site. is the URL, of course. The first quiz is on Wednesday. It will be at the end of class. There will be time to answer questions and review concepts important for the quiz BEFORE you take the quiz at 9:35 or 9:40 a.m. Let me know if you have any questions. Mark