Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:21:43 -0500 (CDT) From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: Quiz Two followup - try it out in MAYA to review SDK... Hi 088 Maya students, Here is the link to the QUIZ TWO question. It would be excellent practice to try it out in MAYA to gain more experience with the SDK, which is short for Set Driven Key. Get started on the Boiler Engine assignment. You might want to experiment with the different things that are involved with the assignment, such as _ Edit menu >> Duplicate Special | | - and Selecting a collection of faces and _ Edit Mesh >> Insert Edge Loop Tool | | - and - Create >> CV Curve Tool | | - to create profile curves that can be REVOLVED to create a SURFACE. Working on these things separately an in isolation from the entire project is liking working on making the letter A till you get the feel for it, and then the letter N till you can do it pretty good, and then the letter I so you can do that. All three letters are just 3 lines. I is made up of two lines in parallel. N is made up of two lines that are parallel to each other. A has two lines that form a TENT. Can you draw a tent for me? Now can you make it look like a rope is tied around the tent about halfway up? That is what the letter A looks like. cAnAdA had lots of tents, A? Once you get a feel for the separate tasks. you will then put them together in the algorithm (step by step recipe) for creating the boiler engine with its 5 plates and its 216 bolts and its two edge loops and narrower circumference front portion and its NURBS Front Cap created from a PC (Profile Curve). That is like being able to write your entire first name, when you are just a very young child and there were parents and parents friends and relatives cheering for your accomplishment after the fact looking at the recording of it on a card or drawing they got in the mail or seeing a live concert of you writing your first name when in the presence of the the cute little child that I can safely assume all of you definitely were. You don't learn cursive in Maya until AFTER the 10th week of a 15 week long class, cause learning. We are in the PRINT your name phase and just the UPPER CASE letters right now. Pre-cursive, pre character animation, but this phase is a PRE-requisite foundation for being able to effectively doing anything stunning in MAYA 3D graphics later on, like the character LEON or the Squirrel or the Catfish character in the animated short movie Moongirl.. Mark