Spring of 2015

Study Guide for the 3:00 p.m. Thursday May 7th Final Test
aka 5/07/15 Maya exam

  1. 2012: Basics of Maya review: Learning the User Interface H O C, FEMCDW, APSDR, etc. should be carefully reviewed and practiced for the final exam.
  2. 2012: The SDK animation quiz material will be important to know for the final exam, so look at this SDK Set Driven Key review page.

    SDK: Set Driven Key Animation October 29th quiz preparation page. (12/12/12)

  3. 2012: Assignment One paper and pencil questions from 2009.

  4. 2012: X and C and V - the snapping icons and Maya keyboard shortcuts. X is two intersecting lines suggests a GRID. C is the first letter of the word Curve. V comes to a point or points, like a pointer or an arrowhead. X, C, V are side by side on the keyboard and in the same order as the first 3 snapping icons.

  5. 2012: Spring 2009 - Class #5 review page: H O C; Tumble, Track and Dolly; Selection Masks and Vertexes, Faces and Edges; Snap to Grid - X, C and V shortcuts for Snapping.
  6. 2012: The Solar System: Understand how to make the Sun, Earth and Moon animation and be able to answer written questions about the techniques and concepts behind making the Sun, Earth and Moon. Grouping, Parenting, Pivot Points basics and how they apply to the Sun, Earth, Moon solar system animation we started the class off with. Spring 2009 resource, useful for Fall 2012 final exam.

    1. Sun, Earth, Moon Solar System exercise.

    2. Study guide for the Sun, Earth, Moon Quiz (hands-on) from week #14 (April 24, 2013)...

    3. Followup to One Star, One Planet, One Moon week #14 quiz (Friday April 26th, 2013)...

  7. 2012: Know the Ease In and Ease Out concepts and review animation curves and the graph editor.

    1. Keyframe Animation - Bouncing a Ball
    2. Creating a Cartoon Ball - freezing the transforms.
    3. Animations Curves, Tangent Handles.
    4. Acceleration (ease-in).
    5. Deceleration (ease-out).
    6. Flat Tangents versus Linear Tangents on the Cartoon Ball.
    7. Squash and Stretch.

  8. What is a STORYBOARD?

  9. 2012: Set Drive Key (Pages EEE-FFF), Edit>Delete by Type > Static Channels (Page DDD) .
    Note: Page EEE, FFF and DDD are only 3 pages of the 10 page long scanned in notes (Pages AAA to JJJ).
       i. construct things (model)
      ii. bring them to life - add motors, etc. (movement, animation, change)
     iii. paint stuff in the real world - hypershade and texture the
                                           geometry we have created.
      iv. we have lights - pumpkins, lamps, spotlight, shadows, ambience.
      Up to 2:30 in the video, lots of ideas on simulation and modeling,
                               lots of parallels between the virtual
                                               world and the real world.

Spring of 2015

Study Guide for the 3:00 p.m. Thursday May 7th, 2015 Final Test