Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 15:30:01 -0500 (CDT) ... UNI Homecoming Eve ... From: Mark Jacobson To: Subject: Re: lamp Hello Frodo, You might have missed the class where I showed it: Edit Mesh > Keep Faces Together make sure Keep Faces Together is checked, i.e. is ON... Select all of the faces of the top of the wine glass. Make sure you have set Selection mode to Faces using the Marking Menu. ----- In a side or a front view, or a PERSP view where the glass is angled so its top is visible from the side of the glass, select all of the TOP of the glass faces by drawing a bounding box rectangle around them. You do NOT even need to see them. Just drag a bounding box around the very top of the glass as you look at it from a good side or front or persp view. ---- ----- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following VIP Note and WARNING is an excellent review of the HELMET tutorial customized preferences for SELECTION. Please read it over carefully, and one part of the Helmet modeling tutorial will be clearer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIP Note: You must have Polygon Selection preferences on the default -------- - - Select faces with: |*| Center |_| Whole Face - selecting faces with CENTER means you will see the little square selection handles in the middle of every face when you are in FACE component selection mode. ------- Warning: In the Helmet tutorial this morning we changed ------- the preferences to be: - - Select faces with: | | Center |*| Whole Face - - WHOLE FACE, which is NOT the default. Whole face is NOT going to work, so go to: Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences and do the Edit > Restore Default Settings command to get back to CENTER setting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of VIP Note and WARNING (and back to Wine Glass modeling face extrude). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that all the TOP of glass faces are selected, and you have done Edit Mesh > Keep Faces Together so they are kept together when TRANSFORMED or EXTRUDED, you can do the Edit Mesh > Extrude. The move tool for the EXTRUDE operation will be shown. Drag the relevant extrusion handle downward to move the faces downward and to make the glass hollow, so it can hold some wine. Do the Scale tool to make the faces larger or smaller to fit the inner part of the glass to the outer shape of the glass as you wish. Do another Edit Mesh > Extrude and extrude farther downward into the glass, and then with the SCALE or ReSize tool chosen, after you have extruded all those faces downward, make the radius larger or smaller as needed to match the shape of your wine glass so the inner surface somewhat matches the outer surface. If this does not work after lots of tries, just skip having the glass have a hollow area to actually hold the wine. Or you could just delete those TOP FACES so it is hollow wine glass, but without any different inner surfaces - i.e. having the same inner surface as its outer surface. Mark On Fri, 10 Oct 2008, wrote: > Hello again Mark, > > Another problem that has arisen as a challenge. I need some more > direction. I have the wineglass made, but when it comes to extruding the > top, I can't seem to figure it out. I have the wine glass selected, I am > in component mode, and I do the right click face command, but then are you > supposed to highlight something, or what do you select to extrude the face > to the bottom of the wine glass. Because I have in my notes you are > supposed to edit polygon, extrude face, is this command in just the edit > window in the top toolbar? > > Thanks > Frodo