Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 11:23:25 -0500 (CDT) Subject: ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL !!! Do not forget to add to your SELECT ... ASSIGN TO "whateverfile.dat" statement the ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL clause, for doing COBOL on the chaos computer! This is required on chaos, unlike COBRA and VMS COBOL. Here is an example. Note the extra lines that were added to the program used as an example on June 8th (you have a green bar paper handout). The extra lines were needed for when the program was used on to make the input and output files work correctly on acuCOBOL, the PC based version of COBOL we use on chaos. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT MOVIES-IN ASSIGN TO "movies.dat" ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. SELECT MOVIES-OUT ASSIGN TO "MOVIEREPORT" ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL. Your lecture notes refer you to the page of the textbook where the ORGANIZATION IS LINE SEQUENTIAL clause is discussed. If it is missing, the incorrect output you look at is IMPOSSIBLE to figure out.